
Chart-a-thon 2021 Day 26, Slot 1: Farottone’s Favourite One-Hit Wonders 5-pack

I know, I’m playing with fire here. The concept of one-hit wonders makes people go crazy because if you listen to the crowd, nobody really made just one hit! Well, here I am tempting fate with a 5-pack that has some real bangers in it from bands I dare you to mention another song they recorded…
Yes, I could not decipher the intro lyrics nor could I find a single mention of them anywhere: if you know them, let me know and I’ll add them in!

Remember when commercials were REALLY iconic? Well, this one was really one of those masterpieces and it featured the hit Inside by Stiltskin. Singing is Ray Wilson, the man who went on to sing for Genesis. The track packs a punch!

A licky boom boom down, baby. Oh yeah, this is THE crazy hit sung in fake Jamaican accent that tormented people in the 90s and managed to make a cameo in How I Met Your Mother. The speed of the lyrics puts the game’s engine to the test!

Pure funk, amazing vocals and a band that I always thought hailed from the US but actually was entirely comprised of British nationals… Crazy good bass on this one too.

Two pretty significant hits in Europe from a Dutch and a Swiss band: we’re very international!

Let’s take another moment to consider those members of the community who are no longer with us today. If you download these songs, I would appreciate a donation of $1 or more to the Chart-a-thon.

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