How to do toms in reaper?

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    When I’m charting drums, i can only charting cymbals, and i need to chart toms for the part i’m doing, can someone help me?


      Scroll up about 10 rows above the area where you place the gems. There’s a section that says yellow tom, blue tom, and green tom. Place the gem where you’d normally put it on the chart and then add another gem in the corresponding location in the tom section above.


        Both methods work fine



        But I recall the left method isn’t appreciated by CAT’s drums reductions, that is to say, it doesn’t work.


        Thanks! I’m sorry if it was kind of a dumb question, I’m new to charting <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


          The left method shown in the above post can sometimes cause cymbal notes that aren’t aligned to the grid to show up as toms. For example the kick+crash at the end of the drum fill can show up as a kick+tom. But yes, either way can work essentially.


            what songs are you doing?


            The left method shown in the above post can sometimes cause cymbal notes that aren’t aligned to the grid to show up as toms. For example the kick+crash at the end of the drum fill can show up as a kick+tom. But yes, either way can work essentially.


            Indeed, but there’s no reason for those cymbal notes to not be aligned to the grid. Quantize!



              Indeed, but there’s no reason for those cymbal notes to not be aligned to the grid. Quantize!

              For drums it usually is no problem to just highlight the entire chart and quantize but when you got fill sections that are supposed to be slightly off grid it can mess up the chart. For bass and guitar it’s not so easy to just quantize the entire chart due to sustains.


                For drums it usually is no problem to just highlight the entire chart and quantize but when you got fill sections that are supposed to be slightly off grid it can mess up the chart. For bass and guitar it’s not so easy to just quantize the entire chart due to sustains.


                Any instrument’s chart needs to be quantized. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”> You don’t blanket quantize charts as you point out (because triplets, mainly), but no instruments can be off grid, vocals notwithstanding. Still, IMO it’s bad form to just draw a long note to cover 5-lane notes, though Harmonix used to do that too in their charts so I suppose it’s something we can live with. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

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