C3 Legacy

The Twelve Days of Customs 2014, Day Seven


Day seven’s song is from TrojanNemo!
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Hey everyone. It seems I’m back for Christmas. Maybe I’m like Santa Claus? Though probably more like Mr. Hankey. Yeah, probably more like Mr. Hankey. The last song I released through C3 was last year’s contribution to the Twelve Days of Customs, Queen’s Innuendo. As you may remember, I “retired” back then as my studies were nearing their end and my career was starting. Of course, I couldn’t stay away from C3 for more than a couple of weeks, and as I’m sure you know, I never really left. I just stopped authoring, gave up my admin powers, and just stayed on working on Magma: C3 and C3 CON Tools, and responding to threads with my dry sense of humor.
When farottone approached me, suggesting I should contribute something to this year’s Twelve Days of Customs, there was only one song I wanted to do. I had spent many many hours with this song back in 2013, and it really went over my head. Even though I had authored quite a few, and converted so many more, this song I just couldn’t get quite right. But with the help of farottone and AddyMilldike (thanks guys) the song was finally completed, and I was able to put the finishing touches for this release.
I have loved this song since I first heard it. I love The Fray’s sound (don’t forget to download How to Save a Life from the C3 database), and I love this song’s message. It reminds me of all the struggles in my life, and how many times I have really felt as if everything was falling through. But here I am. And I know I’m not the only one who has felt overwhelmed at times. So I hope you’ll enjoy it too. Happy Holidays to you and your family!

(Remember, this is just a reveal; all of the songs will be released together on December 25. Check back tomorrow for another awesome song!)

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