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  • Okay, looking into the tempo map some here. Thanks for letting me know; I’ll get this fixed as soon as I can here.

    in reply to: A couple of drum track errors #423642

    Alright, found the problem. Thanks!

    in reply to: A couple of drum track errors #423639

    Got the drum channels issue worked out, thanks. However, even when deleting the notes in the measures indicated entirely, it’s still giving me the duration error after exporting the midi.

    A few possible issues I’m having. First, I’m having the same problem Busta Uppa did with D:rbnelouisestick.wav. When I select the Custom RB3 Template, I get the following:


    “The following effects were in the project file and are not available. REAPER will keep their configurations, but things may not sound as desired.


    Master: VST: W1 Limiter (George Yohng)

    Track 24: VST: W1 Limiter (George Yohng)”


    And finally, I started watching the vocal charting tutorial. It says to load my music into the TRKS track. However, I don’t see that or the Countin track. Did I miss downloading something?

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