Forum Replies Created
Thanks for that! The shape of the roll limitless rings a bell, so I’ll look into that.
Is there a specific kind of drum kit this works with, or a resource on here/elsewhere with information on this kind of thing? The kit I have bought may well be faulty (yay second hand) so I’m looking at a Roland HD-3.
Step 1: Delete all of the converted files you now have in “All songs”.
Step 2: Put songs.dta in “Merged Songs” folder.
Step 3: Put all of the xBox song files into the “Songs to Merge” folder.
Step 4: Open converter, make it point to “Songs to Merge” for where to get the songs from.This is how I went about it, and at this point “Merge Songs” was no longer greyed out for me. Is this how you have done it?
I created the file by opening a new notepad document, hitting “Save as” and then you need to make sure you are setting it to “all files” not “text files”. If you keep it as text files it will automatically add .txt to whatever you save it as, even if you can’t see the extension on it.
Sorted! I should really have already tried that.
Thanks for all your patience.
Just gone back to this now.
In my PS3 converter I have a tick box with “Merge new songs with existing” which is ticked and greyed out, so I’m unable to change it. I assume I want that on anyway? Under Tools I have “Merge songs” and “Manage pack DTA file”, both of which are greyed out (with no tick?). Whenever I complete the process I only get folders with songs.dta in them, I don’t get a single songs.dta file with the metadata for all of the songs on it.
If you enable Merge when converting, the single DTA file is filled for you and put under the “Merged Songs” folder together with all the converted songs folders (instead of the “All Songs” folder). You only need to create a blank songs.dta in that folder before the first merging.
This looks like it’s what I’ve missed. I’m going to give it another go this morning and see how I get on.
Thank you!
I’m still having some problems getting my songs to actually appear on Rock Band.
Currently using Rock Band 3 and an old Fat PS3. I have managed to do everything correctly to get HEN and my file manager working.
When I’m attempting to get songs, I’m currently searching here (c3) for songs, downloading the xBox files, and then throwing them at the PS3 Converter on the app. When I do that it outputs a bunch of folders into “C3CONTools400/ps3/All Songs”. I now have a bunch of songs in there with [artist – title], and inside of each a file called “songs.dta” and a folder with the name of the file with… More folders and files.
I’m copying this over to a folder called “songs” on my USB, then copying that whole folder (with the [artist – title] folders and all the folders inside those) to create “dev_hdd0/game/BLES00986/USRDIR/HMX0756/songs/[artist – title]”.
Is there a step I’m missing here?