Forum Replies Created
You didnt really specify what issues come up with trying to put them on your xbox.
Have you tried C3ConTools song analyzer?
take a screenshot will be more helpful
refer to this topic i made when i had a time signature problem and read username Chips’ reply (shoutout to Chips!), it worked for me.
March 27, 2017 at 11:36 am in reply to: What to do if downbeat peaks do not line up with the grid in a measure? #483251It doesnt look too far off but you might wanna playtest it to see if it looks/sounds synced up. From what i see it looks like you messed up tempo map earlier in song, those downbeats peaks will continue to be off unless u fix the tempo map, maybe redo it.
Make sure to recognize any time signature changes too (though time signature doesn’t necessarily matter its all about correct BPM). If the song doesnt have a steady bpm throughout i suggest time signature changes if any occur, just because it might get confusing trying to tempo map a song thats in say 11/4 when your time sig is set to 4/4.
1) (PART VOCALS): Misaligned lyric at [21:1:362] (expected at [21:1:360]) – there are no notes or lyric events at this measure position and even after deleting those around it just to see, I still get this error. No idea what’s happening.
– did you quantize the notes? Select the note tubes attached to the words “have” and “said”, then Q to quantize. Or click on the lyrics text event attached to those 2 words and Shift + A to align the text events with the note tubes
– did you try and re-import the lyrics? (if you even imported them,which you should).
i had this error before also. I had messed up my tempo map with an incorrect time signature change, after i fixed that my midi tracks re aligned to 1:1:000. im not sure at all if the tempo map has anything to do with misaligned midi tracks,but thats what i remember fixing it unless i did something else that i forgot about. i may be wrong but you can check your tempo map and see.
“ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (MIDI FILE): MIDI track header for track 2 is corrupt
pick one.
The first post you made of this i asked what errors were u getting so i could help you fix them and u failed to reply and then you made another post of the same problems your having. I want to help you but all u did was repost and throw a fit about it.
ok so can you please elaborate, what are the same errors your getting? post a screen shot of the magma compiler error window or copy paste the errors on this post.
authoring is not an easy thing to learn, i went thru the same problems as you with the endless loop of errors and hours and hours of time gone over small things and much frustration. People would be glad to help you if just make some rational constructive posts in the future, no more fits.
How do you “chart as male” a song?
whether it be female or male vocals doesnt matter just chart it like you would normally
Run the Polish notes command in CAT when this happens: it usually manages to rewrite the MIDI code and force Reaper to comply. This is valida for Reaper 4.22, if you’re using a newer version it’s broken and this behaviour is normal.
polish note command doesnt always fix it like you said but ive found out that Ctrl + A then Q to quantize always works
I’m really not that experienced with charting guitar, but I would chart it as descending single notes.
i agree with this just listen to how high or low each sound is and chart as singles
i think its safe to say a lot of people that make customs arent perfect during the authoring process and always will end up with atleast 1 error everytime.
what errors are you getting? it will really help you now and in the future if you just learn how to resolve the errors yourself instead of asking others to do the work for you. Asking for help is fine but asking others to do the work for you – would not advise for your own sake. it is much easier and quicker to be able to do things yourself.
March 4, 2017 at 5:14 am in reply to: Deftones Discography Project *Update 12/28/2019: Saturday Night Wrist complete!* #482239Awesome! What can you chart?
Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
anything except keys, pro guitar/bass
March 4, 2017 at 4:49 am in reply to: Deftones Discography Project *Update 12/28/2019: Saturday Night Wrist complete!* #482236im down to help out with Digital Bath and Rosemary
February 28, 2017 at 12:08 pm in reply to: How do you do a tempo map when the waveform is incredibly unfun to work with? #482027i suggest you focus and complete the tempo map to fullest before authoring at all
a majority of the songs you work on will have super messy waveforms (what this forum refers to as a result “loudness wars” in lots of rock music, so you just have to do your best. Out of the 13 songs i authored only 2 had easy to read waveforms
if a song is 150 BPM on average the BPM will change slightly anywhere from 148 – 152 i, in super rare cases a songs bpm could from 130 to 140 but VERY rarely though). you should also note that if the song was recorded by humans and is not an automated drum machine like in techno music or dubstep the bpm will always change with every measure even by .1, humans are imperfect.
you should always find the downbeat and set a new tempo marker for every single measure even if it looks ok just to make sure. Dont expect to find a magic BPM which lines up the entire song that aint gonna happen.
Dont click ACTIONS at the top of reaper.
right click PART VOCALS at the bottom – – Actions – Show Actions List. then type “import” in the filter search bar and “import lyrics for selected notes from file” – it should already be assigned to Shift + L.