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Actually I have that CON… But I don’t have my xbox with me rn
Could you please send me the file when you get your Xbox? Thanks in advance
Don’t forget the Vengaboys songs lol.
For the 4th problem, you’ll see a folder called “ps3” on your C3 Con Tools folder, go there and inside of it, there will be “All Songs, CONs, Merged Songs and Songs to Merge”. Paste your customs on CONs. Now, if you have files on the Merged Songs, delete all that sh*t so you can start from zero. Once you have deleted all, inside of Merged Songs, make a new text document (idk if you call it that way since I have my Windows in Spanish). Now open it and save it as songs.dta, that should solve the problem of merging songs options greyed out in the program. Now, once you finish converting all the customs, copy all the files you got in Merged songs and paste them on the Rock Band 3 folder.
Hope I made myself clear, unfortunately I’m a HEN user, so idk how CFW works, not sure if you need the rap file there.
How to play customs on PS3 using the HEN exploit method
The HEN (“homebrew enabler”) method was created by developers at primarily as a method to run homebrew applications on late Slim and SuperSlim PS3 consoles, which were previously considered “unhackable”. Nevertheless the method presumably works on every PS3 model. I have personally used it on my FAT PS3 instead of the more common and powerful CFW (“custom firmware”) method, mainly because I wanted to avoid the risk of “bricking” my PS3. Everything went smoothly for me and took less than one hour (most of which was spent watching stuff getting downloaded or installed), but I can’t promise it will work for everyone! Before you attempt at doing anything hacky on your PS3, make sure you read the latest instructions at the following link, and understand the possible risks involved in using these exploits: you are the sole responsible of what happens to your own PS3.
The following instructions are based on the latest HEN version 2.2.2 at the time of this writing, but HEN is still being improved and new versions will be released afterwards. This means that some details in this post may become outdated. Always check the latest information at!
– You must have OFW (“original firmware”) 4.84 installed to your PS3.
– You must have at least one PSN account and have your PS3 activated for it (it is also recommended to have a secondary, throwaway PSN account for this purpose)
INSTRUCTIONS (short summary):
– Install HFW (“hybrid firmware”) 4.84 from the Recovery Mode.
– Install HEN.
– Install a File Manager of your choice.
– Convert customs to PS3.
– Copy customs to PS3.
INSTRUCTIONS (step-by-step details):
– Install HFW (“hybrid firmware”) 4.84 from the Recovery Mode.
The HFW is essentially identical to the OFW, except for a tiny but key difference, which makes it possible to install HEN. Because the PS3 recognizes HFW 4.84 as the same version as OFW 4.84, it won’t let you install it from the XMB; therefore, you need to install it from Recovery Mode.
[Optional: if you have OFW older than 4.84 it is possible to install HFW 4.84 directly from the XMB without first installing OFW 4.84; however, this can result in a “brick” later on when installing HEN; if you don’t have the option to first install OFW 4.84, it is strongly recommended to install HFW 4.84 twice, first from the XMB and then from Recovery Mode as described in step 3. below]
1. Download the HFW 4.84 to your PC from this link
2. Unzip the archive: it will contain the actual firmware update “PUP” file, and an empty folder the name of which is the MD5 hash of the PUP file.
3. Check that the MD5 hash of the extracted PUP file is “42 47 36 2b 54 fa dd 2e 4d 7c 09 00 7f 72 08 03” as indicated by the empty folder name. The method for checking the MD5 hash may vary depending on your Windows version (in Windows 7 you need to open the command prompt and run the following command, without quotes: “certutil -hashfile
MD5″ ). 4. Format a USB stick choosing the FAT32 file system format, then create a root folder named “PS3” and a subfolder “UPDATE”.
5. Rename the HFW file to “PS3UPDAT.PUP” so that it will be recognized by the PS3, and copy it to the USB stick newly created “UPDATE” subfolder. Plug the USB stick to your PS3 while powered off.
6. Start your PS3 to Recovery Mode in the following way, as per the official instructions: from power off, press and hold down the power button until the PS3 starts to turn on and then off again (i.e. the power led turns RED again); after a couple of seconds, again press and hold down the power button, this time keep holding down while the PS3 makes single beeps a couple of times, until it makes a quick double-beep, then you can release the button. The PS3 will then boot to Recovery Mode, where it will prompt you to connect a controller using the USB cable. Choose option 6 “System Update” and just follow the instructions on screen.
– Install HEN.
There are many ways to install HEN depending on the version. Since three days ago it all became a piece of cake with version 2.2.1! Unless for some reason you want to install an older version of HEN, the installation takes literally one click after typing a web address in the browser.
1. Power up your PS3 and enable the Network connection. Open the browser (it is recommended to clear everything: cache, history, bookmarks, homepage… just to have it as clean as possible). Goto web address and just let it do everything automatically (note: a few times a screen will appear with only the option to press “O” on the controller, but no “X” option: even if it sounds like going back, don’t worry and just press “O”). The code at the given address will presumably always install the latest version of HEN, which at the time of this writing is 2.2.2.
2. Depending on the version, the installer may or may not automatically close the browser and reboot your PS3. If it doesn’t, then reboot manually.
Note that HEN is a temporary hack: after HEN installation, when you boot your PS3, HEN is disabled by default, but you’ll have an icon “Enable HEN” in your XMB under Games. You’ll need to click Enable HEN when you want to install or use homebrew applications, which in our case it means whenever you want to use your chosen File Manager to copy customs to the PS3. You don’t need to enable HEN to play the customs in RB3. When you boot your PS3 normally and do not enable HEN, presumably your PS3 will behave pretty much the same as if running an OFW.
Finally, note that as far as HEN version 2.2.2, there is no option to disable HEN once it is enabled, other than rebooting the PS3. According to various sources at, HEN doesn’t have the same level of protections as CFW, so it is recommended not to sign-in to your PSN while HEN is enabled.
– Install a File Manager of your choice.
1. Acquire a homebrew application that works as a File Manager (I have chosen IrisMAN, but you can find other valid choices from the ps3xploit website, check the compatibility chart) and copy its installation PKG file to your USB stick, then plug it into your PS3.
2. Enable HEN from the XMB icon.
3. Goto the Package Manager (another icon under Games, it gets installed together with HEN), and choose Install Package Files -> Standard, and choose the File Manager PKG file.
– Convert customs to PS3.
There are details instructions on this very forum on how to use the great C3 CON TOOLS to convert xbox customs to PS3, so I won’t go into the details here, but it’s super-easy!
The only things I recommend is to choose encryption Type 3 and to check that you have selected the correct NTSC/PAL format.
– Copy customs to PS3.
1. Copy the songs.dta file and all the folders of the customs you converted to PS3 to your USB stick, and plug it into your PS3.
2. Enable HEN from the XMB icon, if not already enabled.
3. Open your chosen File Manager, and goto the folder “/dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30463/USRDIR/” (if using a NTSC version of RB3) or “dev_hdd0/game/BLES00986/USRDIR” (if using a PAL version of RB3). Inside this folder you need to create two nested subfolders /HMX0756/songs. This needs to be done only once.
4. Copy the songs.dta file and all customs folders from the USB stick to /HMX0756/songs using the File Manager.
When adding, removing or modifying songs later, follow the same process but remember to overwrite the songs.dta file with the new one, so that RB3 is able to pickup the updated list of customs with proper metadata.
I checked the clock and it took me longer to write this post than to do all of the above!
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
Clever and seasoned people might have noticed I did not mention any RAP file. That’s because I didn’t need to do anything at all with such a file.
I want to thank everyone who helped me understand how the PS3, RB3 and customs work. Most of all I want to thank @Alternity for inviting me into important conversations about PS3-hacking methods, and @Robebubop for actually being the first one to attempt using the HEN method and giving me plenty of hints.
Edit 14.06.2019: added step for rebooting after installation if not automatic, formatted with spoiler blocks, minor text changes
Wow, I’m glad all the feedback I provided you it finally paid off. I really wanted to make a tutorial back then but all the methods I tried seemed to precarious for me. Good job! Thanks for the tutorial, it’s gonna come in handy for new players.
You can also refer to this thread of mine, because I had the same problem a few months ago., obviously one song(s) is causing the problem. Probably a typo in the songs.dta file. The only solution is to divide the songs and try to figure out which one is the culprit, I mean, try 100 songs at a time, if they work then move on onto the next 100 songs. If it crashes, then split those into 50-50 and repeat. I don’t know if you understand me. That’s the solution everyone gives when this happens.
maroon 5 payphone
Hmm, that’s weird, I have “I Was Made for Loving You”, “Beat It” and “Nothing Else Matters” on my PS3 and they are working perfectly, the only one that it never worked on me is “Somebody that I Used to Know”
Check for a line that starts with “;ORIG_ID= ” and where the rest of the line (the actual ID) is on a separate line.
('song_id' xxxxxxxxxx)
Giving you a faulty dta. Either delete the first id, or remove the superfluous new line. Making it look like.
('song_id' xxxxxxxxxx)
Happened to me when bundling RPHP upgrade to “retail” con and then merging with the “Change song Id to numeric value” is ticked
Edit: And if anybody is still maintaining C3ConTool and want to reproduce. Grab any RBN song CON that has an RBHP update, use the upgrade bundler bundling the upgrade to the Con, than merge with “Change song Id to numeric value”. The dta will have a newline inserted between ;ORIG_ID and the actual ID.
Thank you, might be come in handy in the future.
Don’t want to derail this thread, but since the topic starter mentioned using latest OFW-console for playing RB3 customs, i got curious if missed something. Was there any guide on how you can install customs to latest OFWs (i’m on 4.83 now)?
I figured out this by myself, you have to inject the full game and the songs via PS3Xport Tool. Basically, inside the BLUS folder, go to USRDIR and make the HMX0756 > songs folders, and then you paste your customs or official DLC in here. The whole process is tedious and if a song were to fail, you have to do the whole inject process again. It’s time consuming but it’s the only way. I can make a tutorial if people are interested in this. And yeah, you don’t even need the Rock Band Free Pack 01 nor the rap file to be resigned.
Holy fuck, estaré pendiente de este hilo, espero con ansias Amantes Sunt Amentes que a mi consideración es donde Pxndx comenzó a tener un sonido un poco más maduro, espero que se haga desde 0 porque los customs que hay de ese album están mal charteados en especial la batería ):
I’m having problems to get my customs work. The game freezes or crashes when I got to select the songs. Can you provide some info? I think it has something to do with the coding thing on the song.dta. Last time I installed customs on my PS3 the text coding for the song.dta was ANSI, but now it has UTF-8 and it’s not reading them on my friend’s PS3. I converted the file to ANSI but it ends losing characters and I’m starting to lose my shit. I dunno if I explained that well. Could you please check that for me? In which text coding is your song.dta file? You can check that just by opening the file then clicking “Save as”, in the bottom of the prompt window you’ll see the coding thing. Please reply as soon as possible.
You can either download the DTA file from your PS3 to (root of C3 CON Tools)/ps3/Merged Songs or make a blank one, but it needs one in there.
Thank you very much, now it works
I’ve seen all your old phase shift customs before. If you are up to a collaboration, maybe we could do some songs.
Any chances for customs of The Network or Foxboro Hot Tubs?