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  • Let’s take a deep breath and start from the top. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> If credits are missing, like sometimes happens because we tend to run very fast, just contact an admin or, better yet, first contact the C3 author with which you worked. I’m sorry that in this case it’s taking long to reply, I’m sure Lowlander will adress this in the next few days.

    Oh, I was fine at the beginning. I’m sorry about the misunderstanding, and I’m sorry Trojan accentuated it.

    You’re still acting like I was trying to be a jerk.


    No shit.


    Maybe you should get off the toilet for a second.


    You’re getting worked up over something non-existent … Take a chill pill, man.


    Maybe because I find those comments jerky?


    The irony of it all is so lost on you. You seem to have no idea who I am (or care if you do know), and the implication that my reading comprehension leaves something to be desired is hilarious, considering what I do for a living. But hey, whatever floats your boat. I made my point. You can continue to argue all you want or just let it die.


    Now if you’ll excuse me, I do need to wipe.

    Lol, it’s cute when they think they know it all. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

    Not whining about this since it wasn’t much but I did bass on Through Her Eyes and wasn’t credited. Just thought I’d put that out there.


    Thanks for acknowledging my post. .-.


    Talk to mazegeek; not sure if Lowlander knows.


    And mazegeek is in charge of the project.


    I never said I thought it was up for discussion. I even said I don’t really mind the fact that I’m not credited.


    Sure as hell seems like a discussion and like you mind.


    Take a chill pill, man.


    Either you’re new to this, or haven’t been paying attention. Much like Redbull and Monster energy drinks, I have taken ALL the chill pills. Unfortunately, just like what happens with Redbull and Monster, I just piss it away, and they have no effect on me. Unless you can hook me up with better pills. For that, send me a PM.

    You’re still acting like I was trying to be a jerk. Maybe you should get off the toilet for a second and read the parts where I said that it was a misunderstanding.

    It’s funny to see you bickering about something to unimportant under the oh-so-wrong impression that you have a better understanding of what’s what, and who is in charge of what.


    Don’t for a second forget the fact that farottone is being extremely patient and gracious, as always, with you. He can simply say deal with it and ignore you. There is no obligation here. The songs, as far as C3 is concerned, are by lowlander first and foremost. So anything C3 related will be delegated to him. It’s not really up for discussion. Don’t know why you think it is. :confused:

    Whoa. I wasn’t trying to come out like a jerk. I never said I thought it was up for discussion. I even said I don’t really mind the fact that I’m not credited.


    You’re getting worked up over something non-existent. I’m fine if he contacts Lowlander, I just thought mazegeek had the authority over the project. Take a chill pill, man.

    Talk to mazegeek; not sure if Lowlander knows.


    Lowlander is in charge of the song, so he’s the one who will provide feedback.

    And mazegeek is in charge of the project.

    Thanks for acknowledging my post. .-.


    I pinged Lowlander about this, stand by.

    Talk to mazegeek; not sure if Lowlander knows.

    Thanks for acknowledging my post. .-.

    Not whining about this since it wasn’t much but I did bass on Through Her Eyes and wasn’t credited. Just thought I’d put that out there.

    in reply to: Dream Theater: Rock Band #415249

    I’d be interested in helping out with guitar and bass charts.


    EDIT: I actually have guitar charts for Another Day and Beneath The Surface, and a WIP chart of Octavarium.

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #414054

    Got it working! Just had to reinstall the IOS that made USB Loader GX work.

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #413849
    I forgot to say that I DID try installing the sZFE WAD, but when I tried to install it, it didn’t work.

    Didn’t work as in, it didn’t load content you packed afterwards? Remember you are expecting an error when installing to count as “working”.

    Yeah, I figured that out. But now when I try to load USB Loader GX it crashes, and says “Exception occured!”

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #413846
    I’m having trouble. When I put my packed DLC on my SD card and load up RB3, I get a message that says “License for this add-on content has been deleted” or something like that. After looking through this thread, I found out that you need to have at least one DLC from the sZFE generation, since that’s the folder I specified in the songs.dta file. I don’t have DLC from the sZFE generation; however, I do have some from SZCE, SZEE, and SZJE. Can I specify sZJE in the songs.dta file of my custom instead of sZFE?

    I wouldn’t recommend that since you would be overwriting songs at that point. Ideally, you should have the sZFE WAD installed so it could let you load the DLC. Plus, the files provided expect the working generation to be sZFE. If you can gather the necessary files for the other generations to replicate exactly what I’m doing with sZFE, try it. It would require much more experimentation though.


    Unrelated, for those who have had to downmix multitracks that are not custom songs, there is now another option. Using the RAD Video Tools, you can produce your own multitrack BINK files to use instead of moggs. As far as I’m aware, you don’t get the pause/desync glitch this way because there is no mogg header to worry about. Observe this working code.

    bink Audio.wav Audiodummy.bik /d950000 /m3.0 /O /l4 /p8 /r32000 /b16 /c1
    binkmix Audiodummy.bik Audio.wav Audionewmix.bik /T0 /O /L4 /R32000
    binkmix Audionewmix.bik Audio1.wav Audionewmix.bik /T1 /O /L4 /R32000
    binkmix Audionewmix.bik Audio2.wav Audionewmix.bik /T2 /O /L4 /R32000
    binkmix Audionewmix.bik Audio3.wav Audionewmix.bik /T3 /O /L4 /R32000
    binkmix Audionewmix.bik Audio4.wav Audionewmix.bik /T4 /O /L4 /R32000
    binkmix Audionewmix.bik Audio5.wav Audionewmix.bik /T5 /O /L4 /R32000
    binkmix Audionewmix.bik Audio6.wav Audionewmix.bik /T6 /O /L4 /R32000
    binkmix Audionewmix.bik Audio7.wav Audionewmix.bik /T7 /O /L4 /R32000
    binkmix Audionewmix.bik Audio8.wav Audionewmix.bik /T8 /O /L4 /R32000

    This expects you to rip the audio tracks from a mogg and name them in order as 0.wav, 1.wav, etc. You’d use the DTA to let the numbers stand in for the instrument parts. This code expects the files to be in a folder named Audio. It outputs a newmix.bik file which you can rename and use in place of a mogg file. L is compression quality and 4 is acceptable. I think even 10 sounded really bad. R is the audio rate, which downsamples it to a passable 32000 Hz. You need to paste this code in the Batch window that pops up when you click that button in the RAD Video Tools application. Also, I believe this only works on Wii and not Xbox or PS3.

    I forgot to say that I DID try installing the sZFE WAD, but when I tried to install it, it didn’t work.

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #413791

    I’m having trouble. When I put my packed DLC on my SD card and load up RB3, I get a message that says “License for this add-on content has been deleted” or something like that. After looking through this thread, I found out that you need to have at least one DLC from the sZFE generation, since that’s the folder I specified in the songs.dta file. I don’t have DLC from the sZFE generation; however, I do have some from SZCE, SZEE, and SZJE. Can I specify sZJE in the songs.dta file of my custom instead of sZFE?

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