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  • We definitely got a lot from Megadeth and Pearl Jam, with 2 complete albums and a 3-pack from each, but Megadeth also had “Sleepwalker,” one of the most fun songs in the series IMO.


    As for worst, one of the few bands I really wish we got more of was Metallica. Licensing and all that, and we did get a 3-pack early on, but there was SO MUCH good material they could use, and a lot of it wasn’t even in GH:M. Damage, Inc., Anesthesia, and Holier Than Thou, as well as some of their S&M live versions with keys charted would’ve been great to have.

    Yeah man, that would’ve been awesome to actually do. It’s a really fun solo regardless. One of my personal favorite C3 releases so far.

    Stars is the standout song for me this week, but I downloaded She Blinded Me With Science and Kiss on My List for when I do vocals.


    That solo is… a thing. It exists.

    in reply to: Megasurvey: how do YOU feel about Rock Band 4? #440374

    While I’m kinda bummed I won’t get to play my hundreds of customs, I’ll be making the switch to RB4 on the One.


    Like I said in the announcement topic, there’s no reason for customs or C3 to stop just because it’s a new game. The higher-ups of HMX like what C3 is doing, there are no big publishers to stop customs from being put in this time, and we’re what comes up when you search for RB3 custom songs. The method may change, but the ideas and effort can and (IMO) should stay the same.

    in reply to: Rockband 4 Announced! #439857
    BTW, MadCatz has pretty much already announced what the bundles will be:


    Mad Catz will introduce a Rock Band 4 Band In A Boxâ„¢ bundle, which includes a copy of the game, a new Wireless Fenderâ„¢ Stratocasterâ„¢ Guitar Controller, a new Wireless Drum Kit and a Microphone! If you just want to rock out with a Guitar Controller, hey, we got you covered as we’ll have a Guitar Controller Bundle which includes a copy of the game and a Wireless Fender Stratocaster Guitar Controller. – See more at: … qAnCG.dpuf


    Mad Catz has been working hard with Harmonix to make a suite of all-new music game controllers for rocking out with Rock Band 4, which we believe will prove to be the ultimate music platform for the new generation of consoles! We’re convinced that fans of the franchise will love the new controllers we’re cooking. We’ve turned everything up to 11 this time around! We’ve tweaked several features such as the tilt-sensor on the guitar controllers for extra accuracy and sensitivity. Mic response has been tuned, build-quality has been refined, but more about hardware later. Suffice it to say, we think you’ll all be very happy. – See more at: … qAnCG.dpuf

    I see no reason for that to be all the bundles. I’m thinking they’ll announce a drum-only bundle around E3, along with their pricing models.

    in reply to: Rockband 4 Announced! #439825
    I liked keys. I can understand why they’re doing anyway with them and pro guitar though.

    Is the removal of keys/pro keys in RB4 similar to the conundrum C3 has with whether to author keys on certain songs and the difficulties that keys being present in a song present? Just curious why everyone understands why they are removing keys.

    Similar, yes. Basically, the more charts that the team has to author, the less quality content they can put out each week.


    Back when RB2 was new, they were putting out huge packs and albums frequently. When RB3 came out with keys and pro instruments, even after only authoring Pro Guitar/Bass on certain songs, the quantity of songs became lower and lower as the weeks went on, and sometimes the charts suffered as a result.

    in reply to: Rockband 4 Announced! #439806

    No reason for us to be worried about the possible “death” of customs. Since this next game is going to be self-published by Harmonix, there might not be any actions taken to prevent customs. As long as it stays non-profit and HMX still gets their DLC sales, there’s nothing telling them to stop customs from being made.

    in reply to: Lips karaoke game… Possible source for customs? #430467

    Assuming Lips or Singstar even use separate stems the way RB does, the most I would expect any song from those two games to be is karaoke. While karaoke is always better than no multitracks at all, vocals is (from my experience talking with RB players over the years) the least-used instrument, so a lot of people wouldn’t benefit from having karaoke audio at all.

    If someone redid the “Damage, Inc.” custom that’s floating around the web (I think it’s in the repository), with OD and full band, I’d… probably thank them a bunch. Then play it several times a day until I eventually hate the song.

    in reply to: Colonel’s Customs – Latest Update (06/19/2016) #429168
    You’re all very welcome.

    There should be two more AiC Full Band releases in the upcoming weeks, one from SAP and one from Facelift.

    If it’s Confusion, I’ll have your babies.

    in reply to: Colonel’s Customs – Latest Update (06/19/2016) #428802
    Ooh, AiC! I was always disappointed with HMX’s choices for their packs, at least relating to AiC. Glad you guys got some of the holes filled.


    I’d like to see some stuff from Dinosaurs if you’re up for it. I’d love to sing the title track or Breath on a Window.

    There is a custom for “Stone” floating around. I guess I got it from a thread in this forum.

    I saw it, but IIRC it doesn’t have vocals. Thanks though :haw:

    in reply to: Colonel’s Customs – Latest Update (06/19/2016) #428741

    Just from that, I’m guessing Right Turn. Hardly any drums, and has guest vocals from Chris Cornell and Mark Arm.

    in reply to: Colonel’s Customs – Latest Update (06/19/2016) #428727

    Ooh, AiC! I was always disappointed with HMX’s choices for their packs, at least relating to AiC. Glad you guys got some of the holes filled.


    I’d like to see some stuff from Dinosaurs if you’re up for it. I’d love to sing the title track or Breath on a Window.

    in reply to: The C3 Hint Thread: August 29th, 2014 Edition #428198

    [*] This track was the debut single (and a pretty big one) for a European band that mixes two very different genres with very different origins.

    Rednex – Cotton-Eyed Joe?

    in reply to: you got to love Craigslist! check this out. #427250

    I wish I had your luck. After seeing this thread I’ve been scouring my CL listings for the past few weeks and I found one listing for a RB3 drumkit+cymbals, but the person is asking like $400 for the set.


    If anyone can find a good price for the RB2 or 3 kits, I’d like to know. :sweatdrop:

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