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  • in reply to: C3 Generations – the ultimate customs collection #500169
    Cheesecake Militia

      Meshuggah – Future Breed Machine


      Dreams really do come true!


      I finally get to play my favorite alarm clock in Rock Band!


      (Real talk, RBN is responsible for introducing me to my favorite wakeup song)

      in reply to: C3 Universe is here! #486374
      Cheesecake Militia

        I’ve always wanted an authors page – there are certain authors who just always deliver high quality customs and their WIP/release thread is usually too clunky to browse. This looks amazing!


        …I was wondering why my page was so barren until I realized my most popular custom was uploaded January 5th:argh:


        Also, sorry for a dumb specifying question, but will the old database be completely superseded? I saw a mention of updating links to the associated c3u page in the current database, so I’m wondering if we’ll be juggling two databases and trying to keep both updated – one with potential external links and one without. Will there be a phasing out period? Will the old database still exist for people who are banned from uploading to the new one?


        Another dumb clarifying question: is uploading multiple versions of a custom a ban-able offense? I don’t mean RB2 or 2x versions, but say DemonUnicorns maintained both his chord-heavy and chord-reduced versions of “Jellybelly”, where the only difference is the intro’s guitar chart – would it be kosher to use filespace for both varieties? Sorry for silly hypothetical.

        in reply to: AJFOne’s Customs 6/3 – Broken links???? #484902
        Cheesecake Militia

          Thanks for the STP and Mastodon Monday updates!


          I had the pleasure of seeing Mastodon in Boston on Monday, and if I could request three songs from their set that haven’t made their way into customs yet, they performed “March of the Fire Ants” from Remission, “Circle of Cysquatch” from Blood Mountain, and “Ember City” from Once More ‘Round the Sun. Cysquatch would make for an especially fun custom, and bring Blood Mountain from two songs away from being complete by my count.

          in reply to: Mastodon – Emperor of Sand #483958
          Cheesecake Militia

            I don’t think they’ve “faaaall-en froooo-om graaaaaaaa-ace” so to speak (not nearly as hard as Metallica or Megadeth did), but this album is definitely the best of their new stuff and seems like a natural evolution of Crack the Skye. More Brann in the songwriting process, more clean and harmonic vocals, more weird personal-mixed-with-fantasy lyrics (that are now easier to understand with the clean vocals). The synth section on “Clandestiny” is one of my personal favorite surprises of the album, and the closing track “Jaguar God” is probably my favorite song of the last three albums, and it’s certainly the proggiest they’ve put out in that timespan. “Jaguar God” also hints at those completely blindsiding riffs that give Mastodon a special place in my heart (though it still doesn’t reach the blistering peaks of “Megalodon”, “Capillarian Crest”, and “The Last Baron”, with a slightly slower pace than those songs’ fast sections and far more subdued drum tracks).


            My only real regular skips on the album are “Show Yourself” (which has begrudgingly wormed its way into my head – hope it pays their bills well enough) and “Steambreather”. On another note, “Sultan’s Curse” gets props for being the most fiery opening track since “The Wolf Is Loose”. No band tops 2-3 great albums at their peak, but I’m more than happy that Mastodon is still relevant and putting out decent new music.

            in reply to: Mastodon – Emperor of Sand #481276
            Cheesecake Militia

              Actually just got “Show Yourself” in at my uni’s radio station. It’s the song the record company’s pushing for the album. Expect to hear it on your local rock/pop charts soon.

              in reply to: PSA: That old site got hacked #480967
              Cheesecake Militia

                Damn, weren’t they hacked years ago? I mean, I shouldn’t really expect them to get their shit together encryption-wise, but I’m still surprised.

                in reply to: Mastodon – Emperor of Sand #480938
                Cheesecake Militia

                  New song just released



                  Seems… uhhh. Dance-y? Decent guitar solo, but really seems like they’re not moving far from OMRTS

                  in reply to: Don’t Use Mediafire… please. #480683
                  Cheesecake Militia

                    Mediafire has been around longer than all of the other options (excluding FTP server) and is specifically tailored to sharing download links (unlike Dropbox or another cloud host). The most annoying thing is the download cap it places on end users, and to that I’d suggest authors make a .7z of all their songs in one or two big downloads. That’d at least make Nemo’s job easier, and with 50 GB of storage it certainly isn’t hard to squeeze in on Mediafire.

                    in reply to: Please recommend some “FUN” guitar charts #478032
                    Cheesecake Militia

                      Most fun guitar chart? Hands down it’s Megadeth’s Poison was the Cure.


                      Really, the entire Rust in Peace album is the most fun I’ve ever had on expert guitar.


                      Special mention to the Rodrigo y Gabriella RBN songs, as well.

                      in reply to: A simple way to swap the midi of a CON file? #477465
                      Cheesecake Militia

                        You guys are lifesavers, thanks! Figured there had to be some sort of functionality like that I just couldn’t find – the entirety of C3 CON Tools is treasure trove of features you didn’t know you wanted.

                        in reply to: C3 CON Tools v4.0.0 [01/25/18] #472782
                        Cheesecake Militia

                          I’m fine with Nemo chopping my head off; me rambling off my idea for a songbook layout here was more for my benefit and planning purposes than seriously asking for him to do it – but it does read like an overly demanding fanboy’s wall of brilliant ideas. One request I do wish you would consider for the next update, though, is my sorting presets request. Yes, it’s something that can be implemented on my end with an Excel macro, but I think it’s a feature that will be more broadly appreciated as well, as many RB parties browse through the in-game setlist sorted by artist, so that’d make sense as a sorting option for a karaoke booklet or karaoke browsing software.


                          First, though, a request about changing the ordering of a setlist. In your most recent update you said it’s supposed to be sorted more like the ordering in-game, but I’m having difficulty finding out how to do that to see if it even works. The best I can do is sort by Track #, then by Album, then by Year, and then by Artist, which at least groups albums together, orders the songs within them by Track #, and orders the albums by an artist by year. But Rock Band sorts albums with more than 3 songs in the setlist towards the bottom of a respective artist’s discography. Now, it does something annoying with this in that it, from there, it only sorts the individual songs (not grouped into an album) by name, and it sorts the albums by name. I’d prefer both of those to be sorted by year, but I don’t know how to go about doing that (if it is possible). It may be helpful to add a “Sorting >” button in the “Options” dropdown to easily sort according to any preset, like “In-Game Album Grouping”, “In-Game Album Grouping (By Year)”, or “iTunes-Style Album Grouping” (which would sort pretty much with the actions I described, that is by Artist, by Year, by Album, by Track #).


                          Either way, thanks for even making C3 CON Tools so great to begin with. 5 months ago I didn’t even realize what Setlist Manager was, and learning that I didn’t have to manually maintain a spreadsheet of all of my in-game songs myself blew my mind, so don’t go thinking the product as-is is unappreciated. It’s fantastic.

                          in reply to: C3 CON Tools v4.0.0 [01/25/18] #471918
                          Cheesecake Militia

                            I have a question/request about the Setlist Manager – how could I go about making my own PDF export format? There’s a custom one by DeadlyRobots, espher, andMACST3R, but I don’t know if you coded those yourself or if those parties did.


                            EDIT: Looks like you made them. So here’s a request I guess, though if this was open source I’d look into doing it myself.


                            First, though, a request about changing the ordering of a setlist. In your most recent update you said it’s supposed to be sorted more like the ordering in-game, but I’m having difficulty finding out how to do that to see if it even works. The best I can do is sort by Track #, then by Album, then by Year, and then by Artist, which at least groups albums together, orders the songs within them by Track #, and orders the albums by an artist by year. Rock Band sorts albums with more than 3 songs in the setlist towards the bottom of a respective artist’s discography. Now, it does something annoying with this in that it, from there, it only sorts the individual songs (not grouped into an album) by name, and it sorts the albums by name. I’d prefer both of those to be sorted by year, but I don’t know how to go about doing that (if it is possible). It may be helpful to add a “Sorting >” button in the “Options” dropdown to easily sort according to any preset, like “In-Game Album Grouping”, “In-Game Album Grouping (By Year)”, or “iTunes-Style Album Grouping” (which would sort pretty much with the actions I described, that is by Artist, by Year, by Album, by Track #).


                            That said, I’m imaging a songbook layout that is ordered according to the “In-Game Album Grouping (By Year)” sorting I described, but it should also work with “In-Game Album Grouping” sorting. The columns are “Artist”, “Song”, “Year”, “Length”, “Genre” (if this one will fit), Guitar Difficulty, Bass Difficulty, Drums Difficulty, Keys Difficulty, Vocals Difficulty, “Rating”, “Source” (if feasible for what I want with it), and “Extras”. The general idea I have is that each column starting with the difficulty columns should use symbols instead of text to convey information. For the Difficulty header items, I’d like the in-game symbols as opposed to text (as seen in other songbook styles). For each song’s difficulty scores, I’d like the in-game symbols (dots, devil heads, the exact “NO PART” text) or even just C3’s version of the difficulty dots. For the “Rating” column, I’d like the in-game FF, SR, M, or NR symbol used. For the “Source” column, I’d like symbols in the same style that RB2 had to differentiate between RB1, RB2, RBN, and DLC songs, though extra symbols would need to be made for RB3, Lego, Green Day, Beatles, AC/DC, and customs – if you’re crazy enough to read through all this crap and want to implement it, I can photoshop those. For the “Extra” column, I’d like the following information conveyed (in this order): the rating (use the in-game FF, SR, M, and NR symbols), if it has 2/3-part harmonies (use the in-game 2/3-part harmonies symbol), if it has Pro Keys (use the in-game pro keys symbol), if it has Pro Guitar (use the symbol), if it has Pro Bass (symbol), and if the song is a cover (use the C3 master symbol with a red circle and cross mark on top, or something similar) – if it is not any of these things, then that section would just be blank. The last detail of my convoluted songbook would be that Artists’ names are not repeated and are instead replaced underneath by the album name for song groups of at least 3. This part can be pretty tricky to get looking right visually, but I’m imagining sorting similar to in-game, so all the albums 3-songs or longer will be filtered down to the bottom of an artist’s in-game discography. An artist will be left-justified and bolded, while an album will be right-justified and gray. The album title will only be listed once next to the first song in that album grouping, unless the artist only has 3-song albums in which case the 1st album listed will have its title next to the 2nd song, directly underneath the artist’s name. I also imagine a border around the whole arrangement, a border separating all the columns except for artist/album and song, and a border separating rows of different artists. There can be an option for a secondary color that alternates between albums (I personally wouldn’t use it) as well as the standard options of font-choice and the three footers. Also, another last detail I nearly forgot about (that you may want to add as an option to other songbook layouts) is an option to add dictionary-style reference letters to the top of a page, and have extra options for duplex printing – so that you can have “Abb” at the top left of one page and “Arc” at the top right of the next page, as well as options for both top left and top right on the first page (and last page if applicable) only, for when your songbook starts with an orphaned 1st page. These markings should also probably be big and bolded. Did any of that make sense? I hope so. I can make a mock-up later to illustrate what the hell I’m talking about.

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