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  • in reply to: weezer weezer weezer 2/23/2019 ☀High As A Kite☀ #431932

    Best Halloween confirmed. Thanks again!

    in reply to: weezer weezer weezer 2/23/2019 ☀High As A Kite☀ #431254

    Sounds good! I think with how progressive and surprisingly deep the trilogy is, people would love to play them (I know I would!). Whether you want to release them as one song or as three songs, that’s up to you. It definitely works for me in any case!


    Gotcha, I do hope to see Getchoo one day but I won’t pester ya, can’t force you to do songs you don’t like. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

    Definitely hope to see Maladroit too, but same deal. If you get burnt out, don’t sweat it. I promise you there’s definitely still some interest in more Weezer, though, and it’s not just from me.

    in reply to: weezer weezer weezer 2/23/2019 ☀High As A Kite☀ #431246

    I’ll be honest, when you said “the remaining two songs,” I expected the entire Futurescope trilogy to show up, but suppose I can’t complain since we have the rest of this whole great album <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


    Thanks again for working on this stuff! May I ask what state Getchoo and Falling For You are in? Can’t wait to get my hands on those too.

    in reply to: weezer weezer weezer 2/23/2019 ☀High As A Kite☀ #429523

    Awesome! Thank you!

    in reply to: weezer weezer weezer 2/23/2019 ☀High As A Kite☀ #429519

    Thanks a bunch for working on these! More Weezer is always welcome. Every time I see a new b-side uploaded I’m ecstatic. Most of them are great and deserve the RB treatment, yet I would have never expected to see them receive it in my life.


    I have to be greedy and ask a question. Do you have an idea for when you’ll be uploading the rest of Pinkerton? I’ve been dying to play the entire album for a loooooong time. Now that I know it’s coming eventually, the wait is unbearable, hah.

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