Forum Replies Created
October 18, 2017 at 5:49 am in reply to: J-Rock Band Season 2 [New 12/04]: Touch Off | Stay Alive #491639
Hello. I’m a huge fan of your work with all these customs.
May I request a few songs for you to chart?
I’d really love to see a custom of ME!ME!ME! by Teddyloid and Luka Luka Night Fever by Samfree. They suite your kind of work and I think that you would do an amazing job on those songs.
By the way, the custom for Ai Kotoba could use an update, as the charts have some flaws and the venue could be much better (as compared to some other customs by you).
Other than that, I appreciate all your hard work on all of these songs.
Greetings from Mexico City. Keep up your great work!
August 1, 2017 at 3:39 am in reply to: Green Day RB Plus Export Still Avialable?/Cheap Track Packs? #488678Yep. Had Snow ((Hey Oh)) since late 2010 and Under the Bridge since early 2011.
Bought RBBlitz when I got my copy of RB3 back in 2014, so i’m on the safe zone for those )o)
July 31, 2017 at 3:01 am in reply to: Green Day RB Plus Export Still Avialable?/Cheap Track Packs? #488636Well. That’s a bummer. I guess I’ll have to buy the GDRB Export as regular DLC.
Anyway, if anyone of you guys know of some new copies of the Track Packs that I could buy, hit me up!
Cheers )o)
July 4, 2017 at 6:57 pm in reply to: Paramore: Rock Band [Brighter, Feeling Sorry and Fake Happy] #487312Awesome job as always! I like to play in Rockband all that I can from a band before seeing them live, so I have until October to play all these tracks before Paramore plays here in Mexico City.
Next album will be After Laughter or Brand New Eyes? :0
Is there a video? :0
I didn’t know.
-Well, in a few words, (as I do it) you need to have plugged in both your DLC and your customs memories/hard drives/USB sticks at the same time.
-Very important! You need to own the licenses to the purchased DLC on the console you pretend to play, as they allow you to play it offline (This means that you can’t play customs and DLC at the same time if you don’t have the correct licenses on your console)-Make sure you delete TU5 and song caches before launching the game.
-Play normally under TU4 with your fake/custom-safe profile.
-Have the greatest RockBand party ever
Hey guys. A friendly update on my issue.
Yep, the problem was lying on my licenses. I re-transfered my licenses to my own console a few weeks ago (Which I found weird because why would I need to retransfer my licenses to my own console?)
I formated my USB stick and redownloaded all my DLC and now I can play safely on my custom profile under TU4 and play both DLC and customs.
Thanks for the advice, Linos!
I think you’ll also need to redownload all of your dlc so the console can acquire the new licenses before you can play them offline
All right. I guess I’ll have to redownload all my DLC to try it out.
It’s gonna be a long couple of days
No. I installed correctly the RBHP, but that was like 2 months ago. Then I deleted the Upgrades files and played customs and DLC separately.
Now I tried to plug in my two USB sticks to play the songs (without the RBHP) and the DLC shows up, but doesn’t work.
Funny thing I forgot to mention. My DLC didn’t show up at all before I re-transfered my licenses to my own console, just the RB1 export.
Now it shows up, but I can’t play it under my custom profile and TU4.
March 19, 2017 at 5:31 am in reply to: Paramore: Rock Band [Brighter, Feeling Sorry and Fake Happy] #482913Talking about acoustic stuff… Any plans on releasing Misguided Ghosts anytime soon?
Great work that you guys do around here. Cheers from Mexico City )o)
I looked at the spreadsheet many times in the past and I never noticed the tabs on the bottom. Now I feel dumb.
Thank you very much /o/ I’ll make sure to get those sweet harmonies as soon as I can
Hello. I’m having an issue trying to upgrade my songs (I know i’m late to the party)
In the spreadsheet, the URL redirects me to a youtube warning that redirects me to a dating site.
I managed to find the upgrades through the Repository link, but it lacks the Custom Packager mentioned in the tutorial to bundle all the upgrades into one large file. Where can I find it? Or how can I bundle the upgrades into a single file. Do the C3CONTools work for that matter?
March 15, 2017 at 12:12 am in reply to: Bravo’s WIP Thread – Rick and Morty, Cirno’s Perfect Math Class #482710Hello /o/
Great work with the Rick Dance
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I’m looking forward to Get Schwifty and Me!Me!Me! )o)Also, you should resease Me!Me!Me! with the second part of the song. You do a great job with venue animations and lights, so there’s no one better to do the job.
Hello. I’m having the same problem. The link redirects me to a dating site. The spreadsheet has the same link that leads me to the dating site and the Repository link works fine, but the RBHP_Pack_Masterpack and the Party Buffalo zips are not there.
Any idea of how can I get the Harmonies? Or maybe I should find someone on the dating site? -