June 12, 2015 – Sade and Whitesnake!
Note: Videos may contain authoring issues that have been fixed, and are for preview purposes only. Video recording courtesy of Lowlander.
C3 releases for June 19, 2015:
New! Sade C01 4-pack (farottone)
Sade – “Hang On to Your Love”
Sade – “Jezebel”
Sade – “Paradise”
- Sade – “Please Send Me Someone to Love”
FtV: Whitesnake C01 (Slip of the Tongue) 5-pack (farottone and Drihscol)
Whitesnake – “Judgment Day”
Whitesnake – “Now You’re Gone”
Whitesnake – “Sailing Ships”
Whitesnake – “The Deeper the Love”
Whitesnake – “Wings of the Storm” 2x
Songs marked with are part of our month-long EIGHTIESTRAVAGANZA!
Check out our rad 80s Timeline to visualize these gnarly releases.
A red X denotes Pro Guitar/Pro Bass charts, a blue M denotes full multitracks, a blue K denotes a “karaoke” multitrack (separated vocals), and a rusty 2x denotes that a 2x Bass Pedal version is also available. FtV denotes a song previously released by a C3 author outside of C3.
We’re deep in the heart of our Eightiestravaganza now, friends! C3’s authoring machine and forever-vigilant admin farottone, who came up with the whole idea in the first place, is here with nine more tubular tracks. I’ll let him take it from here!
Author comments for this week’s songs:
- “Hang On to Your Love” – “Definitely more fun on vocals than on the other instruments, which are OK but not extremely entertaining.”
- “Jezebel” – “Jazz-Sade at her best by a mile: very emotional singing, a beautiful soft song to listen to and sing. Also, very good sax!”
- “Paradise” – “This is disco-Sade with a disco beat drum part and a nice albeit repetitive bass riff.”
- “Please Send Me Someone to Love” – “Finally, we have blues-Sade, with a great tune to sing and to play guitar to!”
- Whitesnake C01 – “Two quick notes. First one is that some songs in this pack have unauthored synth. I take full responsibility for that personally and I am very sorry. These are FtV songs that I polished up and forgot to check for pro keys until 24 hours ago. 90s month is taking a toll on me but it’s not excuse. Preview video was already done and since the songs are not keys heavy (it’s synth and or strings in parts of the songs) we decided to keep the songs in the pack instead of releasing on a separate thread.Second note: these are very old songs that Drihscol helped with, but except for bass for Now You’re Gone I lost notes on what he did for guitar and/or keys (again, my bad). So, let’s do this: you see something wrong is my bad, you see something done good is because of him. Fair enough? :)”
- “Judgment Day” – “Very Led Zeppelin-like song, heavy riffs, great vocals, technical solos.”
- “Now You’re Gone” – “Starts out like a power ballad, ends up being more of a fast piece than a slow dance. Excellent for harmonies, good on all instruments. Bass by Drihscol.”
- “Sailing Ships” – “For my money, the best (partially) acoustic power ballad of the hair metal era. Coverdale vocals are goosebumps inducing, Vai’s guitar is awesome (oh, did I mention Steve Vai plays guitar on the album?) and the finale… well, it’s just a truly entertaining song.”
- “The Deeper the Love” – “Straight power ballad, fun to sing, good stuff on all instruments.”
- “Wings of the Storm” – “A more metal-oriented song, very fast guitar, solid drumming, high pitched vocals, it’s got everything!”
See you next Friday!
Even though you didn’t bother replying to my message last week, I’ll still take time to say thanks for the Whitesnake tracks, great choices
If you want a reply you’ll want to take your comments to the forums. Barely anybody reads these messages.
oh right thanks for letting me know
I do read them but I didn’t see a question honestly.
Awesome picks from Sade thank you guys for keeping every Friday mornings a happy start, also great selection from White Snake .