Xbox Rock Band Music Store Offline for RB3?

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      Yesterday and the day before, I tried to connect to the Xbox Rock Band Store both through the music store app downloaded and straight from the RB3 game and it said that the music store is offline, please try again later. I attempted this with Title Update 5 and my internet connection tested fine; is this happening with anybody else?


      stores been down forever..but if you want a work around. go to look upp the song ya want and buy it solo


        How long is forever? I bought some songs from the Rock Band store directly in July two months ago. I know the method to go on Microsoft’s store, but it doesn’t have the option to buy the pro guitar and bass from there.

        dr waffles

          i had noticed the servers being down about 3 weeks ago, on the rock band subreddit the earliest i could find of someone reporting the same issue was on aug 16th.


            i had noticed the servers being down about 3 weeks ago, on the rock band subreddit the earliest i could find of someone reporting the same issue was on aug 16th.


            Thanks for confirming that it was not just me. I might just write Harmonix directly and see what is happening. I went back and looked and I bought some songs from the store on July 17th, 2020. I can’t seem to find a way to purchase pro upgrades on or through the Xbox catalog <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


            PS3/360 Rock Band servers are currentl having issues. Harmonix are aware of the issue and working on it, but understandably, its a complex issue that seems to caused by a mix of random things such as account age, activity on past RB games and stuff, alongside also being more focused on Rock Band 4 issues so it’s taking a while to fix, in the meantime, you can search on the PS/Xbox store for the DLC you want and purchase it that way.


              PS3/360 Rock Band servers are currentl having issues. Harmonix are aware of the issue and working on it, but understandably, its a complex issue that seems to caused by a mix of random things such as account age, activity on past RB games and stuff, alongside also being more focused on Rock Band 4 issues so it’s taking a while to fix, in the meantime, you can search on the PS/Xbox store for the DLC you want and purchase it that way.


              Thanks for more info, guess I do not need to contact them to add to the fire. Yes, I know that I can go on the Microsoft store and locate the songs I want to buy, but props if you can direct me to a web page where I can buy a pro upgrade for songs that I already own because they are only in the store as $1.99 for the base song without an upgrade option.


                It was there a couple months back, but yeah, seems like it’s off


                  The music store on Xbox 360 is back! I bought some pro guitar upgrades the other day.

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