What Real Instruments Do You Play?

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    Plastic instruments is all fine and good, but who here plays one or more real instrument(s) as well as the plastic kind?


    Personally I play drums as my main instrument, I saved up to my own acoustic set some years ago and have had fun drumming since. I play mostly Thrash and Death Metal, but I also enjoy playing Swing Jazz beats to mix things up. I also play a bit of Ukulele, Piano and Bass, though I am by no means “proper good” at them outside of random jamming <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


    I’ve been playing, learning and taking guitar lessons since I bought the Squire. so like 3 years now?


    Piano and I mess around on guitar, which I now have four of if you count the crappy RB Squier. The others are an old 70s era Korean Les Paul copy, a Schecter C-1 Pro, and an Ibanez Acoustic I inherited from my dad.


    I should spend more time actually learning to play before I buy a real Strat… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> I am enjoying BandFuse on my journey towards that.


      You people and your actual skills with real instruments… :-(


        Been playing drums since about 1995 and was in a punk/metal band in the late 90’s early 00’s. It was weird adapting to Rock Band drums back when RB1, RB2 era was around because of hi hat being charted on certain songs to the red pad. Thankfully Pro Drums came out and fixed that but still wish there was an actually open closed hi hat charting instead of using the blue cymbal as a open hi hat note. If it wasnt for Pro Drums I probably wouldnt be still playing this game although I do enjoy singing and playing the 5 lane instruments as well.


          None. I’m not a musician, I’m a gamer and game designer.

            None. I’m not a musician, I’m a gamer and game designer.


            Gamer? nerrrrrrrrrrd <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


            but yeah i don’t really play much.. I dabble… I dabble in Guitar, vocals, keyboard, bass, harmonica, drums… I would love to play sax but I don’t like making noise.. like.. at all..


            To Be With You


            How Soon Is Now?


              I can play guitar. I’ve been teaching myself ever since I bought the RB3 Squier back in the summer of 2011. I’m not very good but I can play well enough to enjoy most songs on RS/BF/RB3.


              Played keyboard as a teen and a little guitar, mostly play drums now.


              I play drums, guitar (including 12 string) bass, piano (and keyboards) violin a little and bagpipes we just got steel pans at the school I work at, I’ve played them for about 15 minutes before I went on disability with stage 3 colon cancer(that puts a real kink in your schedule), but I can already play margaritaville on one of the pans.


              I’ve been playing bass since I was 10 and I play piano(also keyboards), guitar, clarinet,and some saxophone




                  When I was in junior high, some 18 years ago, my buddy decided to start a band and needed a bass player. I started playing then, and haven’t stopped since. Though I don’t play as much as I use to as I haven’t been in a band for 6 years. I did crank out a 2 hour session last night with Rocksmith.


                  Bought Rocksmith when it came out and have been playing bass with it. I think I’m okay at it. Can play some Rush but nothing crazy.


                  I can kinda drum too. I practice beats/songs occasionally on my ekit, although I wouldn’t say I’m great or anything.



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