Vocals Help Request: Bloodhound Gang song

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    Hello, all. Back after a long* hiatus for a little. Been working here and there on a few things, and this ended up being one. Instrument wise, it’s a simple song. However, vocals were something that never seemed to come easy to me. I just cannot easily wrap my head around the tube lengths and where/when they start and conclude. Surprisingly, pitch is the easier part for me.


    Song in question is going to be “A Lapdance is So Much Better When the Stripper is Crying”


    I’m posting this in asking for help if anyone wanted to try and chart out the vocals for this song. As a heads up… it’s a decent amount of lyrics. However, 95% of the song is talkies so no pitch required! Also, the only non-talkie parts is the chorus, and I’ve already pitched them out. No harmonies; just the lead.


    I know things are a lot more relaxed now that the official releases are over, but I would still like to put out as high a quality project as I was putting out before. I’ve never been strong on vocals before, and with no midi chart to start as a base this would be a massive project for me vocal wise.


    Full credit will be given in the release post. If you are interested, please shoot me a PM. I’d prefer someone with previous C3 release history, but if anyone is willing to help it would be huge!


    I’m probably taking time away from this for now, and if no one bites, I’ll do my best and power through it a week or two down the road. No obligations; if interested take a look at the project/song and if it’s too much I’ll make due.


    Thank you! Also, glad to be back =D


      *Buying sound* Is it Three Point One Four?


        Send me a link via PM, I’ll be happy to help.

        Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!

        SomeOldGuys: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/someoldguys
        MrPrezident: https://db.c3universe.com/songs/all/__user/MrPrezident


        *Buying sound* Is it Three Point One Four?


        Sadly, it is not. I’ve updated the original post with the song in question. I’m actually not too concerned with people knowing. However, I’m actually surprisingly down to start charting that out. MrPrezident is working on another song apparently as well so possibility of putting out a small 3-pack with all this down the road. Going to see what my timeframe is looking like. I’m also working on a Styx song so I’ll see what I’m feeling.



          Sadly, it is not. I’ve updated the original post with the song in question. I’m actually not too concerned with people knowing. However, I’m actually surprisingly down to start charting that out. MrPrezident is working on another song apparently as well so possibility of putting out a small 3-pack with all this down the road. Going to see what my timeframe is looking like. I’m also working on a Styx song so I’ll see what I’m feeling.

          Thanks for making me realise I wrote buying instead of buzzing, stoopid autocorrect


          EDIT: I also happen to work on a Bloodhound Gang song, which is Mope, but I will release it in a while along with my 120 days of customs thing

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