Two more upcoming customs – would appreciate helping determine which difficulty 2 to 4 bubbles – a video preview linked


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  • #398119

      Hey guys, this time I have two songs I’m almost ready to release. I am tempted to rank them both 3-bubbles total (Moderate), for entirely different reasons. The Mineral song for the speed/cymbal work and the Accents song for the although slow tempo, it has a somewhat delayed-rhythm (the off-snare/bass and some of the fills are actually on a triplet grid, so it plays harder than it looks)…

      But I’m honestly open to suggestions…here are the Previews. Feel free to offer your opinion on what it looks like to you, and why; it really does help me. I’ll get better at this over time.

      Mineral – For Ivadell:

      Accents – The Low:

      Bonus: This one is already uploaded to the database, but I’m wondering if I should make it 3 instead of 2 bubbles…ideas?
      Slowdive – Primal:


        Is there a better forum/section to post stuff like this?


          It’s hard to say since difficulties are subjective and sometimes based on the artist’s other songs (at least in my opinion).


          I’d say the first one is a 3, second one a 2, and the third one probably still a 2.


            It’s hard to say since difficulties are subjective and sometimes based on the artist’s other songs (at least in my opinion).


            I’d say the first one is a 3, second one a 2, and the third one probably still a 2.


            Thanks. I agree with you mostly, just hoping for more feedback/thoughts on it before deciding.

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