Trouble with songs showing up

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    For some reason I can’t get a few songs to show up in my game. I’ve probably tried deleting and reloading Muse Starlight 5 times. I know there’s an issue with too many songs on a USB drive so I’ve transferred them all onto my xbox drive. I can see the file when I go into my xbox’s storage menu, but never in game. Any ideas? This also just happened with Funky’s Billie Jean, but I’m just now trying to reload that for the first time. Also, Stairway to Heaven just disappeared on it’s own. Makes me worry other customs have disappeared off my drive without me knowing (guess you guys spoil us too much lol).



    Ok, so I got Starlight working. I noticed that most songs have _rb3con at the end of the name. So I renamed it to that and it fixed, same with Billie Jean. Now for the weird thing. I loaded Stairway to Heaven back onto my drive and it’s not in game. I tried transferring it to my xbox drive and still nothing. I thought it might be caused by me throwing it directly from winrar to my flash drive so I deleted it and saved to my desktop before moving it. Still nothing. I know I’ve been able to play this song before as well. I’m no where near the 3k song limit (at 500 currently) so I have no clue. Any ideas?


    I’ve had similar troubles. If that happens I usually delete song cache from RB3 and poof they appear. In trade, you lose your some of your scores.


      This seems to have happened multiple times with people downloading my songs. I wish I could figure out why. Any time I’ve ever had trouble, I would just rename the file to make sure it’s something unique and that fixes it. I hope you find a solution.

        This seems to have happened multiple times with people downloading my songs. I wish I could figure out why. Any time I’ve ever had trouble, I would just rename the file to make sure it’s something unique and that fixes it. I hope you find a solution.


        What are you using to package them into CONs?


          Magma C3.

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