The New Database – Discussion & Feedback (now with info panel!)

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  • #405538

    Excellent, thank you so much for re-adding that feature!


    Though I do have to ask, what is up with the tiers in the database not matching the in-game ones at times? Bagger 288 is ranked as 5-dot on Drums, Keys and Vocals while all being Devil Tiers in-game among others

      Though I do have to ask, what is up with the tiers in the database not matching the in-game ones at times? Bagger 288 is ranked as 5-dot on Drums, Keys and Vocals while all being Devil Tiers in-game among others

      This is a known issue that’s been around for a while, I’ll get it addressed soon.


        Speaking of that song, though, I tried to PM you about this with no reply, so I’ll mention it here. The song shows up as “Alternative” in the genre field, when I marked it as Novelty (just as it appears in-game). So I’m thinking this database doesn’t recognize certain genres.


        The only complaints I have about this new version is that it’s a bit drab and unmatching with the rest of the website, the information isn’t always right, and that the “subgenre” section is written in a sort of “code-like” way, such as “subgenre_other” instead of “Other”.


          and that the “subgenre” section is written in a sort of “code-like” way, such as “subgenre_other” instead of “Other”.

          – that’s actually how it is notated in the songs.dta files. i’ll see about sending pksage some code to help parse that.

            Speaking of that song, though, I tried to PM you about this with no reply, so I’ll mention it here. The song shows up as “Alternative” in the genre field, when I marked it as Novelty (just as it appears in-game). So I’m thinking this database doesn’t recognize certain genres.

            I’ve just fixed this, both the symptom (data in the D:cool: and the cause (my DTA parser had a typo). Sorry, I got your PM and was planning on fixing it, but got sidetracked.


              I’ve just fixed this, both the symptom (data in the D:cool: and the cause (my DTA parser had a typo). Sorry, I got your PM and was planning on fixing it, but got sidetracked.


              Ah, okay, thanks!


                I got the “Columns” window working again, for easier manipulation of columns. I hope to get a lot of stuff done in this tool in the coming weeks.


                Total buckaroo here. Are all the customs that are in various threads on the archive spreadsheet?



                I could not find an answer searching the threads.



                By the way, thanks to all of you that create these!


                  Depends on what you mean. This thread is about the song database at , which only contains C3-released customs (and all songs from the GHtoRB3 project). It doesn’t contain customs from the community customs spreadsheet that haven’t been released through C3. Songs need to have all instruments and all difficulties and be approved by us to be released.


                  Is there any way you could add copy (that is, copy-and-paste copy) to the database rows? I use the data from this database to update my own Google Docs spreadsheet that has all the available songs for my Rock Band 3, and the only way I could get the data out was to use your old database. It doesn’t have all the info the new database has, though, and this way may not work forever, so it would be nice if this functionality could be added somehow to the new database too.

                    Is there any way you could add copy (that is, copy-and-paste copy) to the database rows? I use the data from this database to update my own Google Docs spreadsheet that has all the available songs for my Rock Band 3, and the only way I could get the data out was to use your old database. It doesn’t have all the info the new database has, though, and this way may not work forever, so it would be nice if this functionality could be added somehow to the new database too.

                    Lack of copy/paste functionality is a famous weakness of ExtJS, the architecture the database uses. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif”> Sorry, it’s way too much to consider. I can give you an API, though! Would a tab-delimited list of all data for all C3 songs be good enough?


                    Also, I have a tool coming out very soon that will hopefully save you a lot of work.


                    Thank you for the reply. The spreadsheet is awesome, and the fact that they are all full band customs is very much appreciated. I did not see the community customs spreadsheet, but will look better. I also look forward to a spreadsheet that is a little more user friendly (excel) lol.


                    I really appreciate the girl-friendly songs that get posted. I know that they are usually pretty easy, but the drunk girls that like to sing them really have a good time.


                    Thanks again.

                      Is there any way you could add copy (that is, copy-and-paste copy) to the database rows?

                      I have a tool coming out very soon that will hopefully save you a lot of work.

                      I also look forward to a spreadsheet that is a little more user friendly (excel) lol.

                      Check it, yo: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=958


                      Maybe this has already been touched on, maybe it hasn’t.


                      I’m about to reorganize my entire customs library on PC, redownloading everything. Essentially, could it be made to where it only shows songs that C3 has touched? I see lots of the converts from the GHtoRB project, but those are usually fixed up and released again later. I want just the songs released on Fridays.


                      Maybe I’m missing something?

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