The New Database – Discussion & Feedback (now with info panel!)

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  • #389116

      As you might have noticed, the C3 song database has been updated to use Rock Band Chronicle‘s code base and general format. This change provides much more advanced search and filtering options, the ability to customize the columns for each song, and access to easily twice as much data as was publicly visible in the old database. The old database was built in a real hurry, and is kind of a patchwork of code; this new one will give us much more flexibility going forward.


      To select additional columns:





      (The difficulty pips shown in the above image can be enabled from the Options menu.)


      If you’d like to access the old DB, it is available here, but it will no longer be formally supported.


      This thread is for all discussion and feedback, positive or negative, about this new tool. Would you like a different visual aesthetic? Are any features missing that you’d like to see? Is pksage a horrible, mouth-breathing piece of shit that constantly surprises the world with his ability to walk on two legs?


      Well while it is nice to have more search options, the old design was a bit better IMO due to it having a look that fitted with the rest of the site, and being able to click songs to see the album art, tiers, extra song info, etc. If it would be possible to combine the looks of the old setlist and the features of the new one I think it would be pretty cool


      I may be missing where this is and it may be obvious but I used to be able to click on a song in the database and it would get all of the info song (like instrument, length, difficulties, etc) on the same page just below all of the search criteria and now I can no longer do that. Did this feature go away or am I simply missing where it is?


      I only ask because while I know you can get the info of each song on the blog posts, I was out of town last week and missed the blog post and thought I could just go to the database and get all of the info I needed on any song from last week or this week (or any week for that matter) that I was interested in all in one place without having to go to each individual blog post to check that.


        I took a look and saw a list, and thought it was a minor bug. I didn’t really look long enough then to see that this was an intentional change. I didn’t mean to offend with my post on the other thread.


        That said, I do appreciate the additional sorting options present here. I do wish I could see the difficulty tiers on these, though. And the ability to show a little picture with all relevant info was also a cool feature that made me prefer the database. But this seems better organized, and it should be easy for people to find songs.

          being able to click songs to see the album art, tiers, extra song info, etc. If it would be possible to combine the looks of the old setlist and the features of the new one I think it would be pretty cool
          I may be missing where this is and it may be obvious but I used to be able to click on a song in the database and it would get all of the info song (like instrument, length, difficulties, etc) on the same page just below all of the search criteria and now I can no longer do that. Did this feature go away or am I simply missing where it is?
          And the ability to show a little picture with all relevant info was also a cool feature that made me prefer the database.

          Thank you! This is exactly the kind of feedback I needed.


          The “info box” did indeed go away with this change — it’s a feature that I’ve been meaning to add to Rock Band Chronicle for (literally) years, and kept putting it off. Since it’s clearly an important part of the C3 database, I’ll make a point to code it into the new tool in the next few days. In the meantime, it’s possible to manually toggle columns you want to see, especially if you’re particularly interested in a specific instrument’s difficulty, or whatever. I’ve added instructions to the OP.


          As for the visual aesthetic, I’ll see what I can do.


            It isn’t loading for me personally but that’s because of my connection isn’t that good… It’ll prolly eventually load if I sit around and let it.

              It isn’t loading for me personally but that’s because of my connection isn’t that good… It’ll prolly eventually load if I sit around and let it.

              Do you have Javascript enabled? This tool relies heavily on JS. If the issue persists: What browser are you using?


              The new DB is awesome! Excellent work! The dynamic columns work really well and I love being able to reorder columns. It’s pretty awesome that the DB (appears to) use metadata directly from the cons so there’s no chance of metadata inconsistencies.



              These are my first impressions after about 2 minutes of use, so don’t take them very seriously <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


              -Compared to the blog and forum, and even the old DB, the new DB feels stark, and it’s weird not having the DB in a frame with a background like all the other pages have. A quick fix would be to match the colour scheme to the forums, or just something a bit darker.


              -I want all the difficulties to be in one column even though I don’t know how that could work!


              -Logos for the ratings instead of text would be nice, and wouldn’t take up much more room.


              -A link to the visualiser image would be pretty neat


              -Can the GH2RB3 songs be sorted differently to converts in the weekly releases? There have been a few converts released through C3 lately and it feels a bit, ungraceful to have the two grouped together.


              -It keeps on crashing when I try to reorder columns :C

              (Chrome on win8)


                -Can the GH2RB3 songs be sorted differently to converts in the weekly releases? There have been a few converts released through C3 lately and it feels a bit, ungraceful to have the two grouped together.


                How so? What difference is there between the GHtoRB3 converts and other GH converts released through C3? If anything the newer releases are potentially better since they have to adhere to the much higher C3 standards and have to go through playtesting.

                Authors are credited, so you know who did the conversion.

                So, what do you mean?

                  It isn’t loading for me personally but that’s because of my connection isn’t that good… It’ll prolly eventually load if I sit around and let it.

                  Do you have Javascript enabled? This tool relies heavily on JS. If the issue persists: What browser are you using?


                  Trust me, I know what it is… It’s a lovely thing called Dial-Up! /sarcasm.


                  Not so much a major problem however when browsing through songs I tend to enjoy being able to see every song at once without needing to change pages. An easy solution for this would be just to add more option to the show per page selection so it could go up to enough to show all the songs, or if your using JS possibly make it so that when you scroll down far enough it’ll dynamically expand the list and load another set below the previously loaded set of songs.


                  I like the advanced sort and customization features of the new database design, but as others have stated, I miss the ability to click on a song and get that detailed ‘info box’ showing all the instrument tiers & album art. I also liked that you could download the file directly from that window if you so desired. That is how I would always dl the songs in the past. I also agree that the bare bones spreadsheet look is a little “industrial” compared to the rest of the C3 site.


                  Please understand that these comments are meant to be helpful feedback and are in no way any type of complaint. I am so grateful that C3 and the whole customs community even exists. I still love playing RB but when HMX stopped the DLC the whole thing just felt kind of dead. But these customs are giving the game a whole new, and in many ways, a more exciting life than ever. I hope it never stops. I’m even trying to learn how to use Reaper to see if I can learn to chart some songs myself. I’ll admit, it seems like somewhat of a daunting challenge from my perspective as a total n00b, but we’ll see.


                  First post! :dance:


                  I love the new database. It makes fining what you want so much easier.


                  Great job & cheers on all the hard work! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                    I’ve re-added the song info panel from the old database:




                    Double-click any song to open the info panel, and click anywhere outside of the panel to dismiss it.


                    For right now it’s the exact same info and appearance, which is admittedly kind of ugly. Would you guys like to see any info that’s not currently there? Any appearance changes? Any other features?


                    I’m tentatively planning to add “next song”/”previous song” arrows and keyboard shortcuts to let you quickly navigate through all of the currently visible songs. Remember, you can add any of this info to the main grid as a column, too.


                    The stark whiteness of the primary grid will be addressed soon.


                      Sweet addition. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

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