The Future of RBHP

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  • #393148

      Hi folks!


      I know I’ve been quiet in the timeframe leading up to the RB4 release, and with that milestone met and the project in a bit of an uncertain state as a result, I wanted to briefly touch on the future of RBHP.


      I am currently in the process of downloading and playing through all of the legacy DLC in RB4 that received RBHP upgrades, so I can submit feedback to Harmonix re: the charts. This mostly involves things that got somehow botched in the process of me ferrying content across, but I want to play through everything and compile a list of all things that could hypothetically be addressed (be they super nitpicky or major problems). If you’re playing legacy content and happen to catch errors/mistakes on a chart – or have suggestions about minor things like part assignment or aesthetic quirks or whether or not you feel something should be a talkie – please let me know. I’m not sure how long this will take, but I expect it to run me some time into December if I keep losing evenings.


      Once this is complete, or even if it’s not, I want to try and get the ‘final’ RBHP harmony upgrade release ready to go. I have a date in mind – some of you may have an idea as to what it is – but I don’t want to promise something and miss it because of the above point. This should essentially finish the project’s core two pieces – legacy harmonies and RBNPD – and I will put it more or less on life support from a ‘content created by me’ perspective, basically looking to get videos up and making bugfixes.


      For 2016 and onward, the plan will be for me to start vetting and releasing upgrades that are sent to me that do not fall into the above categories – which is to say outstanding RBN Harmonies charts and legacy/RBN keys and pro instrument upgrades. I’ve received some, and know that I haven’t forgotten about them. If you are interested in contributing, please let me know, and if you’re interested in doing me a solid and reviewing some before they hit RBHP release at large, comment in the thread. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


      I wanted to thank everyone here for their 3+ years of support, and while things will wind down in the next year, I hope to at least be a caretaker for the project as long as I possibly can.


        Thank YOU for your dedication. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


          Thank YOU for your dedication. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Yes, bravo Sir Espher Mercury!


          I actually got into customs because of RBHP. In fact, my customs collection is still under an “RBHarmonies” directory because I’ve been too damn lazy to change it for the past few years. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


            I’m interested in contributing. Any meaningful contribution for the rest of this year is looking less and less likely, but in 2016 I beleive I’ll have time to assist and maybe even get a few more keys bits ready.


              Thank you sooo much for your time and commitment to this huge project, thanks to you my Rock Band parties has been a blast having tons of songs with harmonies to play with and sing a long.

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