Tempo mapping with downbeat questions.

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      Hey everyone I do a lot of customs and there’s always something I can never figure out with tempo mapping. A lot of the songs that I do, when the drums starts, will have 2 cymbal ride hits, and then the snare drum hit to represent the downbeat, then goes into a 4 beat measure. My question is that when I first tempo map out the song for the first beat with the ride hit, and then 2 beats later comes the snare hit to represent a new measure, what’s the best way to measure that out so I don’t have the measure between 3.1 and 4.1 at double the BPM as the rest of the song since. I suppose I could match up the first ride cymbal hit as the downbeat, but It’s a little tougher to map with that than the snare hit.


        1) This is weird (having many songs start that way)

        2) The snare is on the 4 of the measure 2. Just start tempo mapping from measure 3 and apply the same bpm to measure 2, making sure the snare is on the 4.


          OK that’s I’ll try that instead. I’d usually put point at measures 1,2,3, and 4, and then measure from the snare at 4.1 to 5.1, and changed 1-4 to match 4-5. just making sure there wasn’t an easier work around.

            OK that’s I’ll try that instead. I’d usually put point at measures 1,2,3, and 4, and then measure from the snare at 4.1 to 5.1, and changed 1-4 to match 4-5. just making sure there wasn’t an easier work around.


            The snare is not on the 1 of a measure usually, it’s at the 2 and 4.


              Really? I’ve done that for almost every song I’ve done and tempo mapped. Like for example in a 4/4 I’ll count to myself (starting with the first snare as the downbeat at 3.1, “1 (snare)…2 (ride)…3(ride)…4 (ride)…” and then when I get to “1” again as the next snare hit. I’ll mark that as the beginning of a new measure so for example 4.1. Have I been doing it wrong this whole time? haha Ive done something like 30 songs an it all seem to work out but that’s interesting. I thought 3.1 or 4.1 or 27.1 was the downbeat of each measure.


              Edit: I’m trying to find an example of what I mean and I think Stone Temple Pilots “Sex Type Thing” is a good example. So it starts out with a kick and ride hit, then a snare, then the kick and ride hit, then repeats. Assuming the first hit is 3.1 let’s say, wouldn’t the snare hit be at 3.3?

                Really? I’ve done that for almost every song I’ve done and tempo mapped. Like for example in a 4/4 I’ll count to myself (starting with the first snare as the downbeat at 3.1, “1 (snare)…2 (ride)…3(ride)…4 (ride)…” and then when I get to “1” again as the next snare hit. I’ll mark that as the beginning of a new measure so for example 4.1. Have I been doing it wrong this whole time? haha Ive done something like 30 songs an it all seem to work out but that’s interesting. I thought 3.1 or 4.1 or 27.1 was the downbeat of each measure.


                Cymbals are not a good way to identify measures at all. Use kick and snare. A 4/4 tempo usually has kick on 1 and 3 and snare on 2 and 4. You are correct in assuming the 1 of a measure is the downbeat, but in rock music the downbeat is usually associated with the kick. Even for genres like reggae that work on an off-beat have the downbeat on the 1.


                Edit: I’m trying to find an example of what I mean and I think Stone Temple Pilots “Sex Type Thing” is a good example. So it starts out with a kick and ride hit, then a snare, then the kick and ride hit, then repeats. Assuming the first hit is 3.1 let’s say, wouldn’t the snare hit be at 3.3?


                No, the snare is on the 2. I don’t know why you stop counting after the first snare hit, you have *generally* (Sex Type Thing is no exception) 2 snare hits every measure.

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