StageKit Lightworks v3.0.0 [9/4/15] – Use your Stage Kit on your PC!

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  • #392803


      WHAT IS IT?

      My contribution to those few of us that still hold on to (and love) our aging Stage Kits.

      This is not an original work, but rather a continuation of SK Lightworks by Andrew Mussey (

      I started with the unreleased beta source code from his Github page and well, it should be obvious that there’s been tons of work done. Brand new GUI, overhauled code (75% or more is mine) and many imprevements and tweaks.




      Updated change log with latest features and changes can be found here:

      StageKit Lightworks v3.0.0 – Features & Changes




      Extract these files to any folder and run the executable. INSTALLING IN PROGRAM FILES IS NOT RECOMMENDED.

      StageKit Lightworks v3.0.0 – WinRAR archive




      Microsoft .NET 4 … x?id=17851


      Xbox 360 Controller for Windows drives (already included with Windows 8 and up) … or-windows


      Enjoy <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      Thank you for keeping my stage kit alive. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      This could be something I would use with RB4. I”m guessing it would work with 4x daisy chained light and 2x strobes all at once? Will the program require a full time light operator to sit at the computer or can it be programmed?


        I don’t see why it wouldn’t work with daisy chained kits, but obviously all pods will mirror the one. I can only control the one plugged in as a controller.

        As far as behavior, the initial release will do what the original program did. You can use any of the buttons you see, which let you set each color to do a circle pattern, a random pattern, a laser light type of pattern, or turn on all LEDs. You can also manually turn on and off each LED. You can manually control the strobe light and fog.

        You can also create and run scripts…but in the years I’ve used the old version I never did because you gotta create the script and that is tedious. But if you do, you can loop the script, you can have multiple scripts, etc.


          I kinda spent all weekend working on this…and well, things happened :brosius:


          OP is updated with a new preview screenshot (click to see it big!). Initial release sometime this week. Should be good right now but I’m too tired to do a good and thorough test. If this interests you, stay tuned <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Looking great!!! Thank you!


          Man, the stage kit is one of the things I wish would have gotten (or two/three/four) when they were being put on clearance everywhere but I never did. I distinctly remember seeing them for cheap too. Oh well.


            I bought multiple new in box at $15 a pop when that happened. Now got one I use and one in storage.


            Not sure they were ever sold here in the UK – wish I had one <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


              Initial release is up. I meant to have it up before but new work schedule and lots of changes to make. It should be in excellent condition. Got plans to make scripting easier in the future, but this is it for a while, got to take care of my other projects before I return to this. If you actually use it, would love to hear feedback.


              Downloaded… Btw the changelog link asks for username/password.


                oops, fixed the link. I left the ftp in front of it. not like there’s anything useful in that change log at the moment.


                  Just noticed this program today, tried it out and everything works great.

                  One of the foggers I have is having some nozzle issues and this will be just what I needed to run some tests and figure out what the problem is. Nice to be able to test everything out in the workshop without having to setup the xbox.

                  There have been times I wished I could turn on just the fogger (halloween party comes to mind), this should do the trick there too.


                  Well done!

                  Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



                    I’m officially ending support for the program. It’s been obvious, but putting the fine point on it.


                    Read more here:



                    Hello, I have tried the program on 3 different computers and keep getting


                    Unhandled exception has occured in your application. If you click Contine, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. if you click quit the application will close immediately. External component has thrown an exception.


                    and it forces me to quit. Can see the program in the background. Light unit is hooked up and registering on PC as player 1. Power cord usb spliced to Ps/2. Thank you

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