Spindoctor & Nunchuck’s Guitar Hero Time Machine – 8.26.2014 Guitar Hero III with DLC

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  • #424010
      Not sure if I am the only one having this issue, but Carry Me Home and Can’t You Hear Me Knocking don’t show up in-game.

      Sorry to complain so much, I’m just trying to help />_>” title=”>_>” class=”bbcode_smiley” /></p>
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<p>I recently updated my setlist with these Guitar Hero converts and I can attest that they all show up in the setlist.  I will add though that 2 songs did not show up in my library until after I deleted my song cache.  When in doubt just delete that song cache file and those songs should pop up.</p>

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        Not sure if I am the only one having this issue, but Carry Me Home and Can’t You Hear Me Knocking don’t show up in-game.

        Sorry to complain so much, I’m just trying to help />_>” title=”>_>” class=”bbcode_smiley” /></p>
<p>No worries Iammax, I know people don’t like deleting their cache but sometimes you have to. I have the same problems with tunes sometimes. What I do is change the song ID. Maybe try making a pack out of them. Some people have success with that</p>

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          Found the note after the music stops & deleted it, hopefully it will allow someone to get 100%, new song ID as well





          Also fixed the H/O issue iammax pointed out in the Stray Cats tune, new song ID as well



          Thanks for the feedback iammax, can you let me know if they are fixed properly please


          You could get 100% on RB3 on exile already, it was GH2 you couldn’t get 100% on.


          I got those songs to show up by putting them in a pack. I don’t think you ever need to delete your cache, which is good, because I never will.


          Those forced strums in Rock This Town are fixed, but there are still some in other locations, mostly in the first solo


          There are also a lot of forced strums in Bury the Hatched, namely where it returns to the intro riff about halfway through the song


          Also, the solo sections on gutiar on Can’t You Hear Me Knocking turns off random a few times during the end.

          While I’m on the topic of this song, I noticed the guitar part is the single-player guitar part from GH2, and the bass is the rhythm part. While I think this is good to do normally, this song was charted very strangely on GH2, and when you play single-player you’re actually playing rhythm for the first half… the co-op lead guitar chart is very different from the single-player guitar chart in GH2. I think it would be good to use the co-op lead guitar chart instead of the single-player guitar chart.


          It’s kind of hard to explain what I mean, try watching CYHMK on youtube on co-op and then single player


          Also just curious, are you still planning on releasing Arterial Black?


          Someone else just put out their own chart of it recently, but I’d like to have the actual GH2 chart if possible

            Also just curious, are you still planning on releasing Arterial Black?


            Someone else just put out their own chart of it recently, but I’d like to have the actual GH2 chart if possible


            If a song is released by any author on the C3 site previously, I won’t step on toes by releasing another inferior version or any version, Once bitten, twice shy!!


              What about Anarchy Club “Behind the Mask”? It just came out by C3 this week although you released the guitar hero version a few weeks ago.

                You could get 100% on RB3 on exile already, it was GH2 you couldn’t get 100% on.


                I got those songs to show up by putting them in a pack. I don’t think you ever need to delete your cache, which is good, because I never will.


                Those forced strums in Rock This Town are fixed, but there are still some in other locations, mostly in the first solo


                There are also a lot of forced strums in Bury the Hatched, namely where it returns to the intro riff about halfway through the song


                Also, the solo sections on gutiar on Can’t You Hear Me Knocking turns off random a few times during the end.

                While I’m on the topic of this song, I noticed the guitar part is the single-player guitar part from GH2, and the bass is the rhythm part. While I think this is good to do normally, this song was charted very strangely on GH2, and when you play single-player you’re actually playing rhythm for the first half… the co-op lead guitar chart is very different from the single-player guitar chart in GH2. I think it would be good to use the co-op lead guitar chart instead of the single-player guitar chart.


                It’s kind of hard to explain what I mean, try watching CYHMK on youtube on co-op and then single player


                1: :cool: I am glad you got them to show up.

                2: I am definitely not going through all these songs fixing the forced strum issue, I did the Stray Cats one because you pointed out spots that clearly should have had them & it was a quick fix. I let magma or whatever decides what is & what isn’t a forced strum. Over half the songs I did I can’t stand that kind of music so to listen to them again & again & again to fix the forced strum issue is not going to happen on my end. If you or anyone else wants to fix them up I will gladly send them the files for the songs I did.


                3: The coop/rhythm/lead issue.

                That’s the way they were made for guitar hero, I can’t speak for Nunchuck but I like them the way they are. I will however keep this in mind should we run into these kind of files in the next batch of songs I/we do.

                  What about Anarchy Club “Behind the Mask”? It just came out by C3 this week although you released the guitar hero version a few weeks ago.

                  Really it’s two different situations. We had no idea they were releasing this song, they don’t inform us of what they release. I am sure they noticed we released it & if C3 had or has an issue with the GH song we released prior they would have told us & we would remove it without hesitation.


                  The one iammax asked about is diiferent as Colonel 32dll released his version of Arterial Black before we had a chance to release the GH version. I like the Colonels work & have no intentions of stepping on his toes, he is a good shit and in my opinion it would be slapping him in the face by doing this. I am sure farottone will weigh in on this & to me what he says is what I will follow as a guideline in these situations.

                    What about Anarchy Club “Behind the Mask”? It just came out by C3 this week although you released the guitar hero version a few weeks ago.

                    Really it’s two different situations. We had no idea they were releasing this song, they don’t inform us of what they release. I am sure they noticed we released it & if C3 had or has an issue with the GH song we released prior they would have told us & we would remove it without hesitation.


                    The one iammax asked about is diiferent as Colonel 32dll released his version of Arterial Black before we had a chance to release the GH version. I like the Colonels work & have no intentions of stepping on his toes, he is a good shit and in my opinion it would be slapping him in the face by doing this. I am sure farottone will weigh in on this & to me what he says is what I will follow as a guideline in these situations.

                    I think a good general guideline is: if there’s a C3 release, graciously withdraw yours. If yours is better in some ways, then PM the C3 author and work out the best upgrade possible.


                    If it’s a clash between two customs that aren’t C3 releases, work it out as best you can. Collaboration is always encouraged.

                    The one iammax asked about is diiferent as Colonel 32dll released his version of Arterial Black before we had a chance to release the GH version. I like the Colonels work & have no intentions of stepping on his toes, he is a good shit and in my opinion it would be slapping him in the face by doing this. I am sure farottone will weigh in on this & to me what he says is what I will follow as a guideline in these situations.


                    I wonder if Colonel would be interested in collaborating his version with you guys to make a separate rhythm version. As I think he charted the bass line in his, where as GH2 uses the rhythm guitar in co-op mode… at least I think it did. I don’t remember now. :sweatdrop:


                      I think a good general guideline is: if there’s a C3 release, graciously withdraw yours. If yours is better in some ways, then PM the C3 author and work out the best upgrade possible.


                      If it’s a clash between two customs that aren’t C3 releases, work it out as best you can. Collaboration is always encouraged.

                      thanks Nyxyxylyth

                      I knew one of yous guys would weigh in on this & you said pretty well what I thought you would say. Like I said the colonel does a great job on all his tunes & there is nothing I can add to make this tune any better.


                      Our Anarchy Club – Behind the Mask has been taken down. Please get the C3 version. Thanks for the upgrade authors.


                      I think a good general guideline is: if there’s a C3 release, graciously withdraw yours. If yours is better in some ways, then PM the C3 author and work out the best upgrade possible.


                      If it’s a clash between two customs that aren’t C3 releases, work it out as best you can. Collaboration is always encouraged.

                      thanks Nyxyxylyth

                      I knew one of yous guys would weigh in on this & you said pretty well what I thought you would say. Like I said the colonel does a great job on all his tunes & there is nothing I can add to make this tune any better.

                      Thanks, Doc, I appreciate the sentiment. I would not be bothered at all if you or Nunchuck (or anyone else) wants the RPP to add or change things. Also, feel free to link to my copy or host it yourself so all the GH2 stuff is in one spot.


                        Thanks Colonel

                        I appreciate that & I will definitely add to the spreadsheets I am doing for sure & Nunchuck will probably add it to our thread.

                        By the way Happy 4th!!

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