Spindoctor & Nunchuck’s Guitar Hero Time Machine – 8.26.2014 Guitar Hero III with DLC

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      Hmm, I’ve searched it and it didn’t come up


      I was playing laugh track and there was no guitar audio same for bass

        Hmm, I’ve searched it and it didn’t come up

        I just typed “search” in the database & it came up lickety split


        on exile there is a note way after the audio ends… is this the infamous 99% glitch note from Guitar Hero 2 lol?


          I say work on gh3-aerosmith songs for right now <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> also Rock this town has alot of forced strums where i believe HO/POs are supposed to be.

          I was playing laugh track and there was no guitar audio same for bass


          OOps try this one. Sorry. It was a big post my bad.

          http://www.mediafire.com/download/idig2 … kV2_rb3con

            on exile there is a note way after the audio ends… is this the infamous 99% glitch note from Guitar Hero 2 lol?


            I had never heard of the 99% glitch before, was it just with this song or other GH2 songs as well about the 99% glitch???.

            Will have a look at this tonight and fix them up, sorry for the inconvenience.


            You can’t get 100% on Exile on GH2, if you hit all the notes, it says 99. Maybe it’s because of that note sneaking into the chart back in GH2



              You can’t get 100% on Exile on GH2, if you hit all the notes, it says 99. Maybe it’s because of that note sneaking into the chart back in GH2




              Thanks iammax

              I did some reading on this particular song as well as watching the choppy video due to my work computer lagging, it seems it has been around since it was made. I will search out that pesky little note tonight & reupload. I would probably have never noticed this without your feedback as I suck playing expert guitar on GH songs. I will make a new song ID so delete the old, download the new.


                Well, Magma should be complaining if there is a note after the [end] event…

                Well, Magma should be complaining if there is a note after the [end] event…


                My guess is that’s what happened in GH2, which is why you couldn’t get 100%, but that broken chart was ripped and converted to RB3 and a new end event was made for RB3.


                Also, I saw somebody else say this, and I can confirm a lot of unnecessary forced strums in Rock This Town.

                  Well, Magma should be complaining if there is a note after the [end] event…


                  I have noticed on a few of these that they had a single red note on the beat track well after the end note. It passed through Magma & I tested it, it needed more work & I happened to stretch the beat tube out to make a little longer ending & that’s when I noticed the single beat note. Is it possible that’s what happened with this rogue note as well?



                    Also, I saw somebody else say this, and I can confirm a lot of unnecessary forced strums in Rock This Town.

                    I’m not sure what you mean by this, can you be a little more specific?



                    In the RB3 version of this solo, those ascending triplets (at about 2:29 and again at about 2:32) have a lot of forced strums when they should be HO/POs. Try looking at those ingame in RB3


                    Not sure if I am the only one having this issue, but Carry Me Home and Can’t You Hear Me Knocking don’t show up in-game.

                    Sorry to complain so much, I’m just trying to help />_>” title=”>_>” class=”bbcode_smiley” /></p>

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