Spindoctor & Nunchuck’s Guitar Hero Time Machine – 8.26.2014 Guitar Hero III with DLC

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  • #438212
    Is this project still going?


    I can’t speak for Nunchuck but sorry to say I am done with this for now for sure. I got burnt out doing to many songs that I will never play.

    Aww, sad to hear that.


    What about fixing the syncing for the GH3 songs?


    When they were released, a lot of them were off sync, I’m not sure if they were ever fixed


    This is the first I heard of them being out of sync, I have played them all & never noticed anything out of the ordinary.

    Is it possible for you to tell us which tunes are like that?


    Wait what? If you go back one page in this topic you can clearly see where we discussed GH3 songs being out of sync. I replied to your PM with my input on the songs I felt were out of sync. This was in August of last year.

    Take This Life and I’m In the Band definitely have sync issues. Also possibly Down N Dirty. I didn’t send anymore input because I never got a response to my first PM.



      Wait what? If you go back one page in this topic you can clearly see where we discussed GH3 songs being out of sync. I replied to your PM with my input on the songs I felt were out of sync. This was in August of last year.

      Take This Life and I’m In the Band definitely have sync issues. Also possibly Down N Dirty. I didn’t send anymore input because I never got a response to my first PM.




      Who did you send a PM to? I have gone through every private message and have never received a PM from you so I am assuming you sent it to Nunchuck. I do see where you said there were problems for GH3 songs on the previous page. I would have no problem fixing sync issues on any song I/we made but I am not going through every song again. I thoroughly tested every song I made so PM exactly which songs need fixing and I will do them over.



      Wait what? If you go back one page in this topic you can clearly see where we discussed GH3 songs being out of sync. I replied to your PM with my input on the songs I felt were out of sync. This was in August of last year.

      Take This Life and I’m In the Band definitely have sync issues. Also possibly Down N Dirty. I didn’t send anymore input because I never got a response to my first PM.




      Who did you send a PM to? I have gone through every private message and have never received a PM from you so I am assuming you sent it to Nunchuck. I do see where you said there were problems for GH3 songs on the previous page. I would have no problem fixing sync issues on any song I/we made but I am not going through every song again. I thoroughly tested every song I made so PM exactly which songs need fixing and I will do them over.


      Ahhhhh yeah you’re right the PM was to Nunchuck. Sorry for that mix up. This weekend I’ll redownload all of the songs and go through them again since it’s been a good number of months and I don’t remember. I am pretty sure Take This Life and I’m in the Band have issues though. Also thank you for doing this.


      So I went through and downloaded quite a large chuck o the songs and all of them felt great. This includes Take This Life and I’m in the Band. I know for a fact I had sync issues with some of songs when you guys first released them as I wouldn’t have sent those PMs to Nunchuck or even mentioned it. That and the couple other people here that have had issues and some that have messaged me on Youtube about Nothing For Me Here sync issues make me really scratch my head. Maybe bad downloads? Newer files were uploaded? No clue. At this point I’m just glad they are working well and everyone can enjoy them. Heads up to anyone that had issues try redownloading and see if it helps. Thanks again Nunchuck and Spindoctor for the work you’ve done. :dance:


        Thanks for letting us know. If it comes up again I can suggest to redownload them


        I was another one of the guys with sync issues, I’ll try downloading them again as well and report back later.


        could u or someone with Drist arterial black reuppload it is down….


        So I tried some redownloaded versions, they must be new versions because some of the ones I remember being unplayable (such as Anarchy in the UK and The Seeker and Minus Celcius) are now pretty close, although the notes are still ahead of the audio a teeny bit. But it’s not too hard to ignore, although it does make the fast strumming part in songs such as take this life and the seeker a bit harder. It’s more noticeable if you do it at the slowest speed in practice mode, so I am definitely not imagining it. (and yes the on disc and other songs are synced fine, so it’s not TV calibration). It’s definitely a lot better than it was before, though.


        If you want a reference for something that I think is synced right, I believe that Carcinogen Crush is the best synced of the ones I have played.


        Also, mauvaius garcon shows up ingame as “mauvaius gar”, but that’s a minor thing.


        By the way, I downloaded all this stuff from page 1 of this thread. Maybe other people have downloaded from the page where the GH3 stuff was first posted and maybe page 1 has updated links and the other page doesn’t, or vice versa? I don’t know. I also tested with no song cache, to make sure I was playing the new versions.


          Can’t speak for Nunchuck but I never reposted any of the songs I did. All of mine are original versions. I read virtually every post on this site and have seen where people have said there were sync problems with a song & redownloaded the same songs and the second time they worked fine.

          Also would ask you if you play on expert? I could only test mine on hard/breakneck as a lot of them were out of my league guitar wise. My old fat fingers just won’t do the things they use to. Could it possibly be just the expert charts are just a bit off? I play tested every song and they were synced very well on hard.


          @ IamMax if there are some you figure need fixing let me know & I will have a look at those files, thanks for the feedback


          I tested on expert guitar, yeah. I didn’t try bass or non-expert.


          I’m currently in the process of replacing and checking new “versions” to see how they are, and when I’m done I’ll post again.


          Out of curiousity, which ones did you do, and which did Nunchuck do, if you don’t mind me asking?

            could u or someone with Drist arterial black reuppload it is down….

            Sorry Zodiac I missed your post, I will see what I can do


            Try this link, it worked for me



              I tested on expert guitar, yeah. I didn’t try bass or non-expert.


              I’m currently in the process of replacing and checking new “versions” to see how they are, and when I’m done I’ll post again.


              Out of curiousity, which ones did you do, and which did Nunchuck do, if you don’t mind me asking?



              Sounds good, if you would try one you believe is off on hard breakneck & see if it is off on that level as well.

              To tell you the truth I am not sure who did what, there were only about 3 to 5 songs out of all we did that I even enjoyed listening to one time. I have changed laptops since then as well so would have to dig it out to know.


              I’ll check tomorrow when I am back where my 360 is.


              I have my laptop so I do have the folders I made if you are interested. Earlier today I checked all the GH3 converts I had in my rock band 3 library (I added them all when they were released here, not recently). I had a system to mark songs that aren’t synced (I give them a 2 star rating/review ingame) so I know which ones were bad from before and I plan to replace them.


              These were my results (before replacing with new downloaded versions, which I will do tomorrow. These results are for the original downloads I got when released in this thread months ago)


              Songs that were fine and synced well


              Carcinogen Crush

              God Put A Smile Upon Your Face

              Metal Heavy Lady


              No More Sorrow


              She Builds Quick Machines

              Revolution Death Squad

              Same Old Song and Dance

              So Payaso


              We Three Kings


              Songs that were synced up fine, but I think I got some somewhere else

              My reason for thinking somebody else released these other than Spindoctor/Nunchuck is because the tiers and/or which instruments are charted are not the same as the tier previews on page 1 of this thread (I think most of these have vocals, but Spindoctor/Nunchuck’s tier pictures imply that their version doesn’t), but I could be wrong if the tiers in the pictures are wrong.

              Halo Theme

              Pretty Handsome Awkward


              Take This Life

              The End Begins

              La Grange (This one might be from here but I had three different songs called La Grange in my library and I don’t know which is which)

              Heroes of Our Time (This one’s bass chart is NOT the rhythym guitar from GH3, but a new original actual bass guitar chart that I think somebody else made. So if Spindoctor/Nunchuck never made a bass guitar chart for this, then this song is from somewhere else).


              Songs from this thread that were synced badly

              I will be replacing these soon with freshly downloaded versions to see if it’s any better. Some of these are only a little off and some are a lot off. In all cases that I can remember, the problem was that the notes/gems/chart/whatever are a little ahead of the audio. That is to say, you have to strum the note a little before you hear it.

              Anarchy in the UK

              Cities on Flame with Rock And Roll

              Don’t Hold Back (this one had an audio issue addressed earlier in the read, I’m not sure about the syncing)

              Down n Dirty

              Generation Rock

              Go That Far

              I’m In The Band

              Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya

              Mauvais Garcon


              Minus Celcius

              Nothing For Me Here

              Putting Holes In Happiness

              Radio Song

              The Seeker

              She Bangs the Drums

              Stay Clean


              Songs I never tried so I don’t know if they are synced well

              To be safe I am replacing these too.

              9 Lives

              Famous For Nothing

              Flannigan’s Ball

              In Love

              Jukebox Hero

              Violet Hill


              Thanks for the hard work in The Used – Pretty Handsome Awkward Bro.

              I tested on expert guitar, yeah. I didn’t try bass or non-expert.


              I’m currently in the process of replacing and checking new “versions” to see how they are, and when I’m done I’ll post again.


              Out of curiousity, which ones did you do, and which did Nunchuck do, if you don’t mind me asking?



              Sounds good, if you would try one you believe is off on hard breakneck & see if it is off on that level as well.

              To tell you the truth I am not sure who did what, there were only about 3 to 5 songs out of all we did that I even enjoyed listening to one time. I have changed laptops since then as well so would have to dig it out to know.


              So I tried The Seeker, it’s still noticeably off. The chart is ahead of the audio which makes the fast strumming part really hard to stay on rhythm. This applies to expert and hard (although the strumming isn’t really fast on hard, but the chart is still off sync.


              I’ll try more later

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