Spindoctor & Nunchuck’s Guitar Hero Time Machine – 8.26.2014 Guitar Hero III with DLC

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      This is why people who spend a lot of time working on songs are not happy with feedback:


      Although to be perfectly honest some of those tiering decisions are ridiculous… Soothsayer tier 3? Metal Heavy Lady tier 5?


      Putting Soothsayer to anything lower than devil tier is very very odd indeed


      These guys have worked hard to put out an exceptional number of songs and the first comments are “lolwut, tiering is silly”. Come on… Now, these songs have issues apparently, which is more than fine to report, but the FIRST thing you do if you care about these songs enough to actually post is to assess the amount of work done and respond accordingly. So, in this case, give them huge props for what they did and let them know they worked very hard for something. Then, after you made very clear how cool they are for taking that much time off their schedule, if you really feel the need to nitpick, do that.


      Now, this is not a bad case of nitpicking, issues were reported kindly and in a polite way, but still, why can’t you see this is not proper? Imagine going to a friend’s house hungry and having the friend offer you a sandwich he just made. Are you gonna say “Thanks man, I appreciate it, very kind!” and THEN, if you must, say “kind of dry uh, eh eh, got some water? Thanks!” OR, is the first thing you say “It’s dry, dude”? I mean, if it’s the latter, hey, you are unappreciative by nature, nothing we can do to save you. But if it’s the former, please do the same with these guys. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


      Thanks Spindoctor and Nunchuck for the gh3 songs especially for The Who , Aerosmith and Foreigner <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


      Spindoctor and Nunchuck, i just want to say: “Big, Giga Mega thanks for your works”


      Ok guys, I accidentally uploaded wrong version of Don’t Hold Back. D’oh, but it is all fixed up. The link has been replaced with the proper link. The Doc will have to check Velvet Revolver as that one was his and I don’t have his files.


      However iammax I checked The Seeker, Don’t Hold Back and She Bangs the Drums, I got them right out of my mediafire folder so they should be exactly what you are downloading, they seemed to be fine with sync. I played all three on guitar and they seemed just like when OMCB and I tested them. I don’t know why they are off for you. Has anyone else experienced out of sync on any track? I was feeling quite bummed when I was told they were all possibly out of sync. I tested the tracks that I was told were offenders. They seemed good to go for me, I mean a 3/4 to a whole second is very noticeable. I wonder if maybe he got a bad download or something. That doesn’t seem very likely at all, but stranger things have happened I guess.

      I want to hear from anyone else that would have played any of those tracks. Please help me figure this out. So far iammax is the only one the have these problems.

      is the first thing you say “It’s dry, dude”? I mean, if it’s the latter, hey, you are unappreciative by nature, nothing we can do to save you. But if it’s the former, please do the same with these guys. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


      I know you don’t believe me, but that seemed like a perfectly legit way to mention something that quite frankly is a error to something someone posted to a forum to me and I am pretty sure again it’s cultural boundaries and shit going on here. I am starting to realize the Norwegian language is apparently made by complete wankers.


      I am not planing to download these songs as I didn’t like the GH3 soundtrack all that much and do need for my customs to have vocals in them if not a instrumental, so I was merely trying to leave some helpful feedback. Because, yeah, Soothsayer is objectively devil tier on guitar, I mean look at this:

      Ok guys, I accidentally uploaded wrong version of Don’t Hold Back. D’oh, but it is all fixed up. The link has been replaced with the proper link. The Doc will have to check Velvet Revolver as that one was his and I don’t have his files.


      However iammax I checked The Seeker, Don’t Hold Back and She Bangs the Drums, I got them right out of my mediafire folder so they should be exactly what you are downloading, they seemed to be fine with sync. I played all three on guitar and they seemed just like when OMCB and I tested them. I don’t know why they are off for you. Has anyone else experienced out of sync on any track? I was feeling quite bummed when I was told they were all possibly out of sync. I tested the tracks that I was told were offenders. They seemed good to go for me, I mean a 3/4 to a whole second is very noticeable. I wonder if maybe he got a bad download or something. That doesn’t seem very likely at all, but stranger things have happened I guess.

      I want to hear from anyone else that would have played any of those tracks. Please help me figure this out. So far iammax is the only one the have these problems.


      They were only a little bit off, maybe a full second is too much but it’s definitely off to me, but I’ll try re-downloading them later, maybe something did go wrong


      They aren’t all like that but a fair few are. I tried Motorhead, Carcinogen Crush, and Flannigan’s Ball, they were all fine.


      And again I don’t mean to bum you out or anything so no need for that!

        I know you don’t believe me


        I do believe you, it’s just 100% not what I’m saying. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”> I never disputed your tiering suggestions neither I said it was wrong to nit pick. I said that FIRST we all need to thank the authors THEN we can tell them they need to work more.


          @ Iammax & Lyra


          There are no hard feelings here, I know I can be pissy at the best of times. We know mistakes were made & we will try our hardest to fix the playability issues with these songs, to me that is constructive feedback & yes it should be mentioned by the users & fixed by us if there is a problem play wise. We want you to be able to play these songs & have fun. As both of you know already, tiering & metadata etc are not what I consider playability issues & I have no intention of fixing them issues.


          @Nemo, thanks for pointing out your Murloc custom, we will link yours up for sure. Being that you have an exceptional memory for released customs I/we appreciate you telling us & we will make the appropriate changes when you point them out. Question for you. Would you suggest to leave ours up as well for those who want the actual GH song the way it was made?


          @Farottone, Thanks as always, I/we appreciate how you keep sticking up for me/us. I wish I had your skill & patience. Unfortunately I have neither.


            Holy crap!!! This is just awesome! Thank you very much! Give yourselves big pats on the back, guys! I always really wanted to play the songs from guitar hero on here! I thought “Raw Dog” was lost forever! And DLC tracks?! Geesh guys, nice work! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


            Nunchuck – I sure hope your health, and your father’s, improves! Sorry to hear that you’re having problems =/.


            Besides being very giddy to play most all of these, I just have one quick aside!


            I believe that “Juke Box Hero” was official Harmonix DLC way back in ’07. I think it was part of the first ever pack.


            Other than that, I blame you for taking me away from my current projects to play this awesome stuff! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

              I believe that “Juke Box Hero” was official Harmonix DLC way back in ’07.


              It was a cover.


              You credited Same Old Song And Dance and La Grange wrong. Same Old Song And Dance is the greatest hits edit , so it should be on the album Greatest Hits. Also , La Grange is NOT the original version in GH3. Found the same thing with She Bangs The Drums ( needs to be credited as a cover ).

                I believe that “Juke Box Hero” was official Harmonix DLC way back in ’07.


                It was a cover.


                I did not know that. I need to listen to more Foreigner. :doh:


                Guess I’ll have to start this song fest with that track then! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                I played La Grange, The Seeker, Avalancha and 3 others song and all is good for me….

                In French: Encore merci Spindoctor & Nunchuck <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                Thanks for all the songs!!!

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