what about… macarena los el rio, or lambada…. could be great!!!!!!!!!
Yes a few are done.
Then don’t request them unless you want to lose access to the forums as per our rules. The Sweetest Taboo has also been done: search every single song you want to request before requesting them, or don’t request them.
Honestly can’t believe that Aerosmith’s Pink and Jaded have not been done yet…
I cannot believe that China In Your Hand by T’Pau hasnt been done yet! Classic song from 1987!
Beverly hills cop
great songs on that sound track
It just hit me that there isn’t a single song done by Hedley, Faber Drive or Down With Webster.
You Dont Bring Me Flowers Anymore By The Great Neil Diamond and Uhh barbara strisand,Paramore’s All I Wanted…Was You,or Body Counts,Evil Dick,or Mr C’s Theme.Which is a guitar instrumental.Ernie is an old friend as a matter of fact and mixed the track aswell as afew others off theyre second album at a friends studio here in Carmichael,to be specific.But its all Sacramento ,Ca.
It just hit me that there isn’t a single song done by Hedley, Faber Drive or Down With Webster.
probably because they are canadian! other than hedley who is hiding because of the metoo movement the other too weren’t that big or long lived.
Looking it up today, surprised nobody has done “Rock And A Hard Place” by The Rolling Stones.
I’ll put my vote in for Coma Dose by Dick McNazi.
I haven’t seen anything yet, and I look nearly every day, but how is there no Black Stone Cherry in here? Lonely Train is super iconic and it isn’t anywhere to be seen official or C3.
Starlight – Slash
Simple Plan – Shut Up
Rise Against – My Life Inside Your Heart
Goldfinger – Here In Your Bedroom
Would like to add Jackson Browne – “Tender is the Night”
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