Song Requests program/archive

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  • #388868

    Hey guys, remember how HMX and Activision had a “request songs” section in their game pages?

    Is it possible to design a program, similar to the C3 bug tracker, to request songs? The “song request” subsection of the forums is great for discussion, but topics get bumped down and hype dies down. With such a program, we’d have a idea of what the fanbase is looking for. And I know there’s a request page (or pages?) in the spreadsheets, but very few users know about it.


    I know it’s not a simple wishy-washy thing where someone clicks a button and boom, the program is there. But it would be a nice addition to the C3 homepage, and while we’re not obligated to satisfy the fanbase’s demands (i.3. MOAR MEWZ), at least we could have an idea of what projects the C3 authors could work on next.


    – A vote count

    – A list of Artists & songs

    – Comment section

    – yadayadayada


    That’s a great idea I think. Especially how it could be more of a less biased list of songs requested (i.e. only newest topic getting attention)




    As galexio says, obviously it’s fine if none of my requests ever get done, but it would be cool to request in a more “organized” way and maybe draw some attention to tracks/artists that a lot of people would like to see.


      If there was an existing freeware/open source solution out there, I would pitch it, but I’m not sure we’d be doing one from scratch.

        If there was an existing freeware/open source solution out there, I would pitch it, but I’m not sure we’d be doing one from scratch.


        I am so glad I can’t do any web programming…whew <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

          If there was an existing freeware/open source solution out there, I would pitch it, but I’m not sure we’d be doing one from scratch.


          I am so glad I can’t do any web programming…whew <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif”>


          You know we could do something in and you could do a C# code-behind, right? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


            I’ve thought about this (since I’d be the one making it), and decided against it.


            C3 authors are mostly motivated by their personal tastes: “What do I want to author?” We have a few people that will also try and author popular songs for the sake of their popularity, but for the most part, it’s a personal endeavor. Because of this, I suspect that a request tracker would be mostly redundant with the requests forum. Let’s say an author decides “hey, I want to author something that lots of people would download” and looks at the most-requested songs in this tool. If they’re all in a genre that author hates, he/she probably won’t do it.


            I could be wrong, of course. If this is a tool that lots of our users are interested in, I might reconsider.


              I could be wrong, of course. If this is a tool that lots of our users are interested in, I might reconsider.


              I think the only important criteria here is whether the authors would be interested in it. I agree with you in thinking that most authors would not be interested in such a tool.


                As an author, it would have some influence on me but only within the genres I am interested in and most often only for the bands that I want to see more of in the game. So if I was planning to do a song by Band X but a different song by the same band is getting a lot of requests then I may decide to do the more requested song. Or it might affect the order that I would do songs.

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