So I want to buy a GH guitar for RB4 on PS4…

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    does anyone know which ones actually work? I’ve heard that some of them won’t work, or will drop notes, or the dongle won’t work, etc. So I’m trying to figure out which guitar works well so I can buy it asap.


    I personally use the GH5 controller on PS4, the red one. It works perfectly. The only one I haven’t had worked is the GH3 les paul. All of the others should work fine provided you have the correct dongle.


    Hm alright thanks. Nice avi by the way, that’s a great album.


    I don’t have RB4 or a PS4; but I’ve seen alot of people talking about how the PS4 is retrocompatible with instruments so I guess as long as it works with PS3 (and maybe PS2?) it should work on PS4. Even the MPA works on PS4 without any adapter.


      You’ve prob got something by now, but as i’ve thrown heaps of cash at these things over the years i thought i’d chime in with my 2 (hundred!) cents worth


      I can confirm the wooden Logitech Guitar Hero (black ps3 model) has worked since day one on my PS4 (need the dongle of course) and is still the most reliable of all that i’ve tried. i have 2 of each of the Playstation & XB360 models & even having modded 1 of each, they still never fail. So apart from it’s lack of solo buttons up the neck, it’s still the best controller for rocking out on Playstation (unless u can find a Madcatz RB2 Wooden Fender Strat thats been modded from X360 to work on PS) then its definately worth grabbing if u manage to find one being sold with the dongle.


      I’ve also used all of these successfully (with their correct dongles of course) :-

      RB1 strat (wired)

      RB2 strat

      RB3 fender p bass

      Beatles Hofner Bass

      GH world tour Kramer

      GH Metallica Kramer

      Band Hero Kramer

      & obviously the RB4 strat & Rivals Jaguar. (however the Rb4 strat was rubbish from day one, even after updating the firmware, & my Rivals Jaguar has just started to double hit when up strumming <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> so that didn’t last very long at all.


      Rock On



        Gh5 guitars work I can confirm but the tilt deploy does not so you have to hit the overdrive (star power ) button.

        I get way better calibration with my GH guitar than my new rb4 madcatz and jaguar guitars. Oh well lol extra guitars for local play I guess lol


          I used RB2 guitars/drums on my PS4 for RB3/4 until my whammy went. I bought the wireless red guitar for RB4, oh man, forget the stupid dongle, IT’S BLUETOOTH and plays like a dream.

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