Sick Puppies – You’re Going Down

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    yea, i might actually fix that because the difficulty is so messed up plus it also sounds like there is harmonies in the song but that’s on the backburner right now

    yea, i might actually fix that because the difficulty is so messed up plus it also sounds like there is harmonies in the song but that’s on the backburner right now

    Sorry to bring this thread up again but I mentioned the difficulties all show up as 0 dots and you mentioned that is something that can be fixed. Is that something I can fix? If so, how would I go about doing that? I only ask because I played this song with some friends the other day and everyone was frustrated that they couldn’t see how hard the song was so they didn’t know what difficulty to pick on their instruments. Thanks!


    basically, i have to rebuild the song in magma with the proper difficulties and it wouldnt be hard to do….i’m just busy trying to work on my multitrack custom & just regular gaming mixed in with life that i’m a little stretched thin. i’ll try working on before the end of the month & upload a new version with difficulties added in.


      Normally, if a song doesn’t show up or work properly for me… I’ll package it with the “RB3 Beatles Packager” and even if it is by itself… Normally after doing that and putting it on my Xbox, it works and shows up just fine.


      I’m actually planning to package this song in with all of my Metallica songs that I’m planning to get. So… I’ll post again to say what happened and such, you know?


      jusey, the song shows up fine & works perfectly…it just shows up as a rb2 song on rb3 so it wont be under “newly added” list so don’t try to repackage it considering it already works, i wouldn’t upload a con file that didn’t work because that’s cruelty and prevents people from enjoy the custom it contains.

      Participant … own_rb3con

        this has EMHX with harmonies if im not mistaken but no pro drums, i didn’t feel like adding it in…still not confident to mess with pro drums yet but i will soon xD i basically just extracted this con file off one of the two 8gb flash drives i use for rb3, it was already full band without me messing with it just forgot to upload it for everyone else who didn’t have the full band EMHX version

        Thanks a lot for this, gonna check it and so, I can add Pro Drums and Harms if you’d like too.

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