Sick Puppies – You’re Going Down

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    This song is already on the RockBand Customs spreadsheet and has been FullBand charted but only on the Expert difficulty. My request is simply if someone could chart the easier difficulties so it’s a true, full custom. That would be much appreciated!


    Seconded. This is a cool rock/hard rock song that would be a good addition to anybody’s collection.


      actually, I agree. I would love this song as EMHX with some fixes. but sadly not enough to do it myself.


      i can attempt to do it as EMHX considering the lower difficulties just have notes removed to make it easier, should have a test version up in a few days…have to get my head out of wii homebrew & softmodding

      i can attempt to do it as EMHX considering the lower difficulties just have notes removed to make it easier, should have a test version up in a few days…have to get my head out of wii homebrew & softmodding

      Sweet! Thanks for this! Keep us posted!

      #402255 … own_rb3con

      this has EMHX with harmonies if im not mistaken but no pro drums, i didn’t feel like adding it in…still not confident to mess with pro drums yet but i will soon xD i basically just extracted this con file off one of the two 8gb flash drives i use for rb3, it was already full band without me messing with it just forgot to upload it for everyone else who didn’t have the full band EMHX version


        If anyone wants to patch up songs on a regular basis, remember that we are always looking for authors to release content on C3 Fidays. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


        i didn’t have to do anything to this one, it was already EMHX i think most people just had the X version of the custom so i was doing it…might play around with eof and reaper to add in pro drums, keys if applicable & guitar/bass but that will be after i at least get my first custom done so i can chart pro stuff easier considering my custom has almost every instrument


        this has EMHX with harmonies if im not mistaken but no pro drums, i didn’t feel like adding it in…still not confident to mess with pro drums yet but i will soon xD i basically just extracted this con file off one of the two 8gb flash drives i use for rb3, it was already full band without me messing with it just forgot to upload it for everyone else who didn’t have the full band EMHX version

        Awesome, thanks for posting this. I will try it out tonight hopefully. I wonder if the file from the spreadsheet has all that too. I didn’t even bother to actually download and try it out because I asked on another forum and someone said that its expert only but the spreadsheet doesn’t say for sure.


        ur welcome, i might do a pro upgrade for it at a later time if i can actually find the time & know i can do it properly


        Did anyone else download this song and get it to work? It won’t show up on RB3 for me. I use USBXTAFGUI to add songs to USB drives and loaded this on like I do other customs. I noticed that when you are viewing all of your songs on the USB drive, the Content Title column says Rock Band 3 for all other customs. But for this one, that doesn’t show up. Did I need to do something else with that file once I downloaded it? It seemed like it was already in the rb3_con format that other songs were so I just loaded it up. Thanks in advance.


        hmmm, it’s not showing up for u? i can reupload it if needed, it shows up on my copy i believe…haven’t looked down that far in my list in awhile


        (Edit: 7/2/2013 @ 12:00am)

        original download link for You’re Going Down that i got from a custom RB spreadsheet on google docs it is full band according to the spreadsheet & and it should work for those that the copy i uploaded isn’t


        Nope it was not showing up. I just tried to grab the one from the RBCustoms spreadsheet (which is the same link you posted) and it was doing the same thing on USBXTAFGUI where it doesn’t say Rock Band 3 on the Content Title column like all of the other custom songs I have. I haven’t actually tried the song from the spreadsheet yet on RB3 (at work right now) but I imagine it will not show up either since it’s doing the same thing on USBXTAFGUI.


        And I know that one is full band. The whole point of this thread was to get a version of the song that has all difficulties charted because that is not specified on the spreadsheet. I asked over on the RB3 Customs thread at XBox360ISO and TrojanNemo said he didn’t think it was all instruments so that’s why I asked if someone could chart the rest of the difficulties. Either way, I would be happy to test out whether it’s all difficulties or not myself if I could get the song to show up in Rock Band. Can anyone else confirm/deny whether the song at least shows up for you in Rock Band?


        Thanks for you all your help!


        it does show up in my library on rock band 3 & that was even after rebuilding my song cache to have harmonies from RBHP on the pre-rb3 songs i own so i’m unsure why it isn’t showing up for you chexmixho


        Well I am retarded. This song was actually showing up on Rock Band for me but, for some reason, it wasn’t showing up when I sorted the songs by Date Acquired. It only shows the 20 or 25 most recent songs at the top of the list and this song wasn’t being placed up there even though I know I loaded it recently. This happened to a few Metallica songs I got a while back and I don’t know why so it is not 100% my fault haha. Either way, it’s there now and I tested out about half of it just real quick on easy vocals and the song seemed to work fine. The only weird thing I noticed was that it didn’t have the difficulties listed when I hovered over the song in my song library. Or, rather, they were all set to 0 dots (the easiest difficulty) for all instruments that had been charted (guitar, bass, drums and vocals).

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