Should I jailbreak my PS3?

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    I realize I’m coming late to this, but I recently acquired PS3 Rock Band 3. I play alone, offline, and play only Pro Keys.


    After having purchased most of what is available through the PS3 store, I’m looking for lots more songs with good Pro Keys parts. I have been disappointed with a few of the songs I bought that had minimal Pro Keys parts.


    Should I go to the trouble to jailbreak my PS3 and learn to merge in C3 songs? I’m not interested in putting lots of energy into maintaining a jailbreak firmware, or in playing with a guitar. I would be doing this only to get more Pro Keys content. (Of course there’s always a risk that I could get interested and try creating content, but I still think that’s unlikely…)


      I’m looking for lots more songs with good Pro Keys parts. I have been disappointed with a few of the songs I bought that had minimal Pro Keys parts.


      3191 songs in the database with pro keys. I’d guess half of those are pretty minimal, leaving you with a mere 1500.



        There have been and are currently many talented pro-keys authors participating here, you definitely won’t regret adding hundreds of free songs to your ps3.

        You might even decide you want to learn how to use the authoring tools, to put your favourite songs into the game, and share them with everyone.

        Have fun.

        Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



        For RB3 you don’t need to maintain your CFW (although, updating a CFW is pretty easy, it consists of putting a file on your USB drive and then going in the update frunction and selecting USB instead of internet), since RB3 functions in an old firmware.


        I think it’S worth it, if you have an old model and can be jailbroken, defenetly do it (especially for the fact that you never go online, there’s no ban to risk).


        The setup is a one time process, then it’s a simple FTP transfer for adding/removing/editing your library.


        Just a status update and a question. I tried to jailbreak today, but after visiting a website I shouldn’t have visited (beware!), I discovered that my PS3 is too new to jailbreak!


        Now I’m convinced I want to do this, so I’m determined to keep trying. If I’m going to buy more hardware, am I better off buying an old XBox 360 or buying an old PS3? I already have the keyboard for the PS3, of course, but I’m just wondering if it’s all easier or a better experience on XBox?


          Yes. Everything about playing customs on the Xbox 360 is better and easier.


          If you’re going the xbox way you can simply buy an MPA (MIDI adapter) and use the PS3 keyboard, that is if you’re using the official rock band keyboard. You also need to find a specific version of the disc game, I don’t know how hard that is nowadays.


          Thanks for the tip on reading the keyboard. If my only goal is to play customs with Pro Keys on RB3, is there any particular XBox 360 I should look for, or are all used 360s pretty much the same to me?


          The 360 doesn’t matter, only the disc does. Get a disc with the old EA logo. The newer ones with MadCatz have Title Update 5 baked in, which make customs essentially impossible.

          Slow Pick

            If you buy from Amazon check with the seller for which version they have. I bought NEW game disc, showing a photo with the EA logo and got a Madcatz version. Gave it to Grandson and went to Gamestop and bought a used one.


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