Running the CAT Script in Reaper

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  • #394535

      I’ve tried looking all over the forums, all over the user manual, and I cannot for the life of me find a solution to this. I currently have Reaper 4.22 installed and Python 2.7.6 installed, and I’ve tried re-installing, installing different versions, and all kinds of crap to land myself in the same “script execution error”.


      No matter what I do, I always get “script execution error”. I don’t know if I may have missed something while installing Python? Or anything? I have the ReaScript enabled, etc. As far as it seems, I have everything set up correctly, yet I still get this repeating error. Reaper doesn’t crash or anything, it simply just gives me the option to close the error. Anybody know what’s wrong?


        I had that “script execution error” this was my work around:

        Latest Reaper 32-bits version;

        Python 32-bits version 2.7.12.


        I don’t know if this will work for you but you could try it (I’m running windows 7 64-bits)


          I had that “script execution error” this was my work around:

          Latest Reaper 32-bits version;

          Python 32-bits version 2.7.12.


          I don’t know if this will work for you but you could try it (I’m running windows 7 64-bits)

          Thank you very much for giving me some help, but Python 2.7.12 was one of the version I tried (I specifically remember it), and I’ve tried both 32 and 64 bits of all versions, and found that only 32 bits work for me. The two current versions I have are still the same as mentioned, and they’re 32 bit. The only difference I have is that I’m on Windows 10, and I can’t exactly downgrade… So if that’s the problem then I guess my issue can’t be fixed, but if that’s the case then I can live with it. I really appreciate your response!


            I use Reaper scripts in Windows 10 with no problems. Check the Python or Cockos forums, this is not a CAT issue, it’s an issue with Reaper and Python.


              I use Reaper scripts in Windows 10 with no problems. Check the Python or Cockos forums, this is not a CAT issue, it’s an issue with Reaper and Python.

              Alright thank you. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


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