Rockband 4 Announced!

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  • #439826
    No Keys, possibly no RBN songs, even possibly no harmonies if they want to go back to “the core of RB1 and 2″… yeah no this is awful and I feel like quitting completely now


    Rocksmith and Guitar Hero here I come… I guess… *sigh*


    I really don’t understand this sentiment. You would quit Rock Band entirely, even though you can continue to play all your current songs on your Xbox360/PS3, and emigrate to the inferior Guitar Hero franchise because keys and RBN won’t transfer to RB4? GH doesn’t have those features, and I seriously doubt any rumored new GH will have keys and it definitely won’t have your RBN tracks available.


    I don’t get it.


    Awesome and exciting news. I’m really glad the dlc will transfer and even though old instruments will work I’ll be excited to get new ones. I do see myself switching from RB4 to RB3 in the middle of sets since I can’t imagine the amazing customs you wonderful people have worked so hard on will transfer over. I’m very excited for them to start revealing the set and finding out about the new features. I can’t be the only one who has wanted a band POV right? Seeing your characters play is great, but I think seeing an interactive crowd in first person would be fun. I’m sure harmonix has some stuff up their sleeves. Best of all is I know this amazing community will be there! I always felt a little lost on the RB boards, but love visiting this forum.

      Awesome and exciting news. I’m really glad the dlc will transfer and even though old instruments will work I’ll be excited to get new ones. I do see myself switching from RB4 to RB3 in the middle of sets since I can’t imagine the amazing customs you wonderful people have worked so hard on will transfer over. I’m very excited for them to start revealing the set and finding out about the new features. I can’t be the only one who has wanted a band POV right? Seeing your characters play is great, but I think seeing an interactive crowd in first person would be fun. I’m sure harmonix has some stuff up their sleeves. Best of all is I know this amazing community will be there! I always felt a little lost on the RB boards, but love visiting this forum.



      Huh I didn’t think of it that way. A first person Rock Band? I have always thought that that new room projector thing that MS demo’d a while back would be perfect for RB, and there are lots of VR systems in development at the moment. Wearing a big clunky headset for RB would be awkward though.


      While I admit that the idea is intriguing, the ‘back to our roots’ approach would seem to rule out a huge departure like first person play.


      The original Rocksmith had a first person view of the crowd. When you’re staring at the note highway it’s hard to care about stuff in the background. At least that’s always been my experience.

        Honestly I’m hoping our good friend Bluzer will rip the new files from RB4 so I can convert them to a RB3 Con, and then add keys and harmonies if I wanted to. Similar to converting GH songs. If this was done, would this be frowned upon and considered posting “official” content and be pulled like when people post official DLC?


        You already know the answer to that question. If it’s official content, it’s not allowed on C3 forums.

        There is also no reason at this point to believe “RB4 DLC” won’t work with RB3 – Harmonix is very particular about what they do, and I doubt they would be releasing DLC for RB3 that ommitted the features that RB4 won’t support, yet that same DLC is not how RB4 will take it. Meaning, my prediction is the same file format will stay, and RB4 DLC will be backwards compatible with RB3, as they seem to be taking off features, not adding.

        So you can go ahead and buy the RB4 DLC, and I’m sure espher will be adding keys/prokeys via RBHP as he’s already done for some of the 2015 DLC.


        I was right in every single prediction I made. If you leave your passion aside, and look at the statistics and what makes sense for a business, because that’s what Harmonix is, my predictions were the only thing that made sense, and here we go. No Pro g/b/? Check. No Keys? Check. Only on Xbox One and PS4? Check.


        For anyone concerned that “customs will die” – understand that whatever C3 ends up doing (not my call), even if that is to close the doors permanently, that doesn’t kill customs. Customs existed before C3, and will exist after C3. Custom content is being played today on 15 year old games. I don’t see how RB4 will kill customs on RB3. What I’m 99.9% sure of is that RB4 will be patched tighter than RB3 was with TU5, and that made customs virtually impossible.

        So, will there be customs for RB4? Most likely, but several months or years down the line, and most certainly not going to be a simple matter of copying your current customs to the Xbox One. I do hope that it happens while i’m still interested in the franchise. Right now I’ll be happily supporting RB4 while keeping RB3 always on me since I will not give up customs for any official setlist. But, and here’s my pledge, if someone figures out customs on RB4 and it is possible to convert RB3 customs to RB4 – I will be there to make it as painless as I can as I’ve done with RB3 customs <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Also, based on what I said above, I predict that the 2015 DLC is how RB4 DLC will be. Meaning both harmonies are staying, and likely that post RB4 DLC will be usable in RB3. But we’ll see.


          I’m not very happy about there not being any Keys support at all in RB4, but I am excited that there is another RB game coming! I’m glad I have an Xbox One, since all my DLC is on the Xbox 360 and I am sure there is no way I would be able to transfer my 360 DLC to the PS4.

            The original Rocksmith had a first person view of the crowd. When you’re staring at the note highway it’s hard to care about stuff in the background. At least that’s always been my experience.


            Ah I have never played any Rocksmith so I was unaware of that.


            I do, however, care about the stuff in the background and derive a lot of enjoyment from customizing my bandmates and seeing them interact on stage.


            If HMX’ stated goal of bringing the band closer together means more character customization and tighter bandmate interaction on stage, I am down with that.


            If it means a first person view of the crowd and a dialed-down bandmate experience, that’s a deal breaker for me <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


            Personally, and I know some people will hate me for saying this, but I don’t give a crap about customizing band members or in-game instruments or whatever. I’d rather they put the effort that goes into that into charting or getting more songs.

            Personally, and I know some people will hate me for saying this, but I don’t give a crap about customizing band members or in-game instruments or whatever. I’d rather they put the effort that goes into that into charting or getting more songs.


            I’m in the same boat as you.

              Personally, and I know some people will hate me for saying this, but I don’t give a crap about customizing band members or in-game instruments or whatever. I’d rather they put the effort that goes into that into charting or getting more songs.


              I don’t hate you, but I would be sad if they cut out customization.


                Is nobody else excited for this?




                I’m all for a new band in a box kit. Absolutely. I loved my TBRB band in a box and will be getting this one. I have 3 working drum sets and somewhere around 15-18 guitars, and like 5-6 microphones, so I don’t need any of it.


                But do I want new equipment? Hell yes. :cool:




       … ifications

                  Is nobody else excited for this?




                  I’m all for a new band in a box kit. Absolutely. I loved my TBRB band in a box and will be getting this one. I have 3 working drum sets and somewhere around 15-18 guitars, and like 5-6 microphones, so I don’t need any of it.


                  But do I want new equipment? Hell yes. :cool:




         … ifications



                  Sure why not? But my ideal bundle needs a guitar, one of those neat two-strum bar basses, three mics, a drum set, cymbals, pad silencers, an xbone, the game, and a beer. Oh and a groupie.


                  PS, groupies are necessary for a true band simulator. Let’s get with it HMX. Literally.

                    Is nobody else excited for this?




                    I’m all for a new band in a box kit. Absolutely. I loved my TBRB band in a box and will be getting this one. I have 3 working drum sets and somewhere around 15-18 guitars, and like 5-6 microphones, so I don’t need any of it.


                    But do I want new equipment? Hell yes. :cool:




           … ifications


                    Ironically I just bought a new guitar today. Almost didn’t do it considering the news but I have an addiction. But pretty excited about new peripherals and that I *have* to buy them for the PS4 so that my wife can’t say “no.”

                    Is nobody else excited for this?




                    I’m all for a new band in a box kit. Absolutely. I loved my TBRB band in a box and will be getting this one. I have 3 working drum sets and somewhere around 15-18 guitars, and like 5-6 microphones, so I don’t need any of it.


                    But do I want new equipment? Hell yes. :cool:




           … ifications


                    I’m really excited for it. I’d be even more excited if it were cross compatible with 360.

                    Dash Riprock
                      Is nobody else excited for this?




                      I’m all for a new band in a box kit. Absolutely. I loved my TBRB band in a box and will be getting this one. I have 3 working drum sets and somewhere around 15-18 guitars, and like 5-6 microphones, so I don’t need any of it.


                      But do I want new equipment? Hell yes. :cool:




             … ifications

                      No mention of a new MPA has me slightly worried. Since it would now only need to support drums, does that make it easier to make, or harder to sell?

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