Rock Band VR

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  • #393243

      A teaser trailer was recently shown at the Video Game Awards 2015 showcase. The Rock Band 4 experience is going to be in virtual reality.



      There isn’t a whole lot to go on about this since there isn’t a price tag and the Rift is still undergoing works.



      I do remember a community wanting to do stuff like this. But I, myself, am having second thoughts about this.


      How about you?


        Someone on Reddit made a great point about music gaming being a niche market, and vr being a small niche market, and how combining both just puts HMX in a ridiculously small cross-section that hardly seems worth the investment of an allegedly cash strapped studio. But what do we know, right?


        Biggest question is whether this is confirming Rock Band on PC or Oculus on Xbox One…


        Sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using Tapatalk Pro.


          Idk about this one. Lol.


          Someone on Reddit made a great point about music gaming being a niche market, and vr being a small niche market, and how combining both just puts HMX in a ridiculously small cross-section that hardly seems worth the investment of an allegedly cash strapped studio. But what do we know, right?

          That was me. While it still seems odd, it implies a serious amount of confidence, so there almost has to be something behind the scenes that we don’t know.


            Remember that story where some investors gave Harmonix an ass load of money? Well now I know where that money went to.


            Remember that story where some investors gave Harmonix an ass load of money? Well now I know where that money went to.

            I guess it was never confirmed that it was Apple like everyone thought, was it?


              It would be kind of cool having the look of Gh Live, looking around the stage and playing. Even if you look down you see the guitar on you. Watching the gameplay itself it’s ok. Not sure how well it would actually sell though


              Oculus/FaceBook money is nothing to sneeze at, this could be a really good thing for HMX, but yikes that video made the entire thing seem like a joke. I want nothing to do with playing RB with a headset on. The first-person perspective stuff made it seem like a stab at GH: Live’s gimmick and not a very good one. Just another thing HMX has been doing that baffles me.


                I could see getting a HoloLens, but I’m not strapping one of these coconuts to my face.


                Could there be any less social form of gaming?


                  I could see getting a HoloLens, but I’m not strapping one of these coconuts to my face.


                  Could there be any less social form of gaming?

                  HoloLens would be badass. Turn my whole house into the stage? Sure!


                    I think it’s kinda neat. But yeah, the antithesis of “social party game”, which is what Rock Band does better than pretty much every other console game.


                    congratulations to Harmonix for once again focusing on all the wrong features for what was supposed to be a worthy successor to RB3. i just…don’t see this ever catching on, for all the reasons people have stated above. i was glad when GHL was announced that Harmonix weren’t trying to match Activision feature-for-feature, but now they seem to be going that route, and picking the most gimmicky part of GHL’s gameplay to boot. i really hope HMX have better things in store than this.


                      Oculus/FaceBook money is nothing to sneeze at, this could be a really good thing for HMX


                      Good for the short-term, until everyone bails on it?


                      Sorta like how HMX doubled down on the Kinect, and then it got pulled from stock retail units?

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