Rock Band: Harmonies Project Requests

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    I also note there are a few people looking for RBN pro drum upgrade for songs, and (unfortuantely) contributions for those seem to have dried up a bit. Pro drum upgrades are /extremely/ easy to do (and test — no cache tricks!), so if anyone is interested in contributing these to the project, let me know and I can help you get set up.


    On this note, I have an old GH conversion of “All The Young Dudes” that doesn’t have pro drums charted, I extracted the MIDI file and opened it in Reaper, there was what looked like keys charted on the drum track, is that something they did with GH songs or am I doing something wrong?


    Last night, we plugged all the instruments into AMPS and rocked the house (game volume nearly off). But we can only play songs with PRO KEYS and PRO GUITAR. Here is a very special request for KEYS: Please do the CARS.

      On this note, I have an old GH conversion of “All The Young Dudes” that doesn’t have pro drums charted, I extracted the MIDI file and opened it in Reaper, there was what looked like keys charted on the drum track, is that something they did with GH songs or am I doing something wrong?


      Can you post up a screenshot? If you mean the piano roll was visible in Reaper, that’s just one of the display modes.


      Hi, Please could you make something from Dimmu Borggir? I know that already is one song released but I cant download them… Please coul you make that song and a few more? Thanks guys!

        Hi, Please could you make something from Dimmu Borggir? I know that already is one song released but I cant download them… Please coul you make that song and a few more? Thanks guys!


        Rock Band Harmonies Project is a project aimed at adding harmony, keys, and pro drum tracks to existing tracks from before RB3 that lack them. If you wish to request songs, you may have better luck posting a thread here.


        I just noticed that the AC/DC songs from that disc-based track pack haven’t had harmonies added to them. Putting in a request for those! Hopefully they are on the list soon.



          I just noticed that the AC/DC songs from that disc-based track pack haven’t had harmonies added to them. Putting in a request for those! Hopefully they are on the list soon.


          I kind of want to do them all in one release, so when it does happen you’ll get them all. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


          Just found another great duet that hasn’t been upgraded yet – Lady Antebellum’s “Looking for a Good Time”. Can I request that for the next batch please <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          [TBD because man I never seem to slot in country.]

            Just found another great duet that hasn’t been upgraded yet – Lady Antebellum’s “Looking for a Good Time”. Can I request that for the next batch please <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


            Keeping in mind I do packs as packs, probably not in the next couple, but maybe in the relatively near future. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


            I would be extremely happy if there was a pro keys chart made for Foreplay/Long Time, and to a slightly lesser extent, Highway Star! [mazegeek did these up in 2014. Woo!]


            Also, a question: The ones with pro keys that have been released are the purple ones, right?


            Now that RB1/RB2 pro keys are happening (thank you to Espher and Sage for this btw!) I would love to see Won’t Get Fooled Again get a keys upgrade as soon as possible – it’s up there with Final Countdown and Don’t Stop Believing in terms of songs that are calling out for a keys chart <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> Carry On Wayward Son would also be good.


            [See above.]


            To both of you, I charted those 3 RB1 songs months ago for pro keys and forgot about them, lol. I can get them to espher and see what we can do about them. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

              To both of you, I charted those 3 RB1 songs months ago for pro keys and forgot about them, lol. I can get them to espher and see what we can do about them. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif”>


              Sounds good, I’ll be in touch tonight.

              To both of you, I charted those 3 RB1 songs months ago for pro keys and forgot about them, lol. I can get them to espher and see what we can do about them. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />



              Still really would love to see some of the remaining who songs have harmonies added. Who Are You & Behind Blue Eyes for sure would be some good candidates.



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