Rock Band 3 Saved Data Problem

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    I have been playing customs fine for weeks now and I just uploaded some new ones onto my USB stick and when I loaded RB3 I got this message. “Loading saved game failed for gamer profile blaze1795 on controller 1 because the save file was created with a newer version of the game.” and then it gives me an option to create a new save. What happened to my old save? And how do I get it back?


    It’s a weird bug in the system. Here is what I do, assuming you haven’t clicked “YES” on overwriting it:

    1. Force shut down the xbox.

    2. Unplug and plug again the USB

    3. Restart


    You shouldn’t get the message. And if you do, just do that again.


      Always move all your TU4 files to the TU4 USB key: TU4 file, saved game file (actually, create a new one), preferences, cache and an offline gamer profile. Then, always move all your TU5 files to another TU5 key: saved game file, TU5 file, preferences, cache and your online gamer profile.


      Otherwise, any file left on the HDD will be picked up by both games and will be messed up.


      This has happened to me now… [sIGH]. The Xbox is not connected to the internet (and hasnt been since around 2014). All I did differently was start to use a new, larger USB stick. I transferred all the files from the old stick to the new one, and used the C3 Tools to add all the songs instead of Party Buffalo. I have a saved game profile still on the Xbox HDD (9M:cool: but it doesnt like either it or the one on the USB. I tried taking the USB one off and it still didnt like it. Any ideas how I can restore the original saved game file before I have to work my way back up from one fan again and remake the entire band? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> I will send you a virtual beer if you know the answer!


      After 4-5 attempts to resolve it, I finally managed it! For some reason TU4 would not copy across from C3 Tools. It was using the old video sticky from 2013 and following it all step-by-step again that I managed to do it. It has completely reset my scores for all the songs but I can live with that. Me and my 83,044,328 fans… And calm is restored <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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