Rock Band 3 pro guitar?

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  • #398145

      So I’m getting the mustang pro guitar. I have a question about the RB3 DLC. Correct me if I’m wrong but the DLC songs had a pro guitar/bass upgrade you could buy. Basically you’d buy a patch that gave whatever song it was pro guitar/bass. So my question is I have RB3 on the Wii and everything is dead. So I can’t buy any DLC for the game. Now I have the DLC setlist rip on my PC that I can put into the game. Does anyone know if all the songs have the pro guitar upgrade? And the same goes for Green Day. Green Day Rock Band didn’t have pro guitar. But on RB3 you were able to buy the pro upgrade for the songs. For example, if you had Green Day Rock Band exported into RB3 you were able to buy the pro guitar and bass for those different Green Day songs. I also have the Green Day Rock Band setlist rip on my PC as well. So would they have the pro upgrades? If not seeing as the store doesn’t work on the Wii and I can’t buy anything. Where if anywhere could I find the pro guitar and bass upgrade for theses songs?


      This forum does not help with pirating.


        This forum does not help with pirating.



          This forum does not help with pirating.

          Well, SOFTWARE pirating no. Old school pirating? Shiver me timbers you’ve come to the right place me hearty!


          Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk


            For the people who need it spelled out more specifically, rhythm gaming custom chart forums like this one generally don’t help with pirating official DLC.


              He did mention, “If not seeing as the store doesn’t work on the Wii and I can’t buy anything.” – since something isn’t available to purchase legally, while being sought out, is it really pirating?


              Yes. It doesn’t matter if it’s still available or not. You can pirate old school cartridge roms that aren’t available to purchase anywhere, it is still pirating.


                Yes. It doesn’t matter if it’s still available or not. You can pirate old school cartridge roms that aren’t available to purchase anywhere, it is still pirating.

                I’m not sure I totally agree, well at least from a MORAL perspective, because it really comes down to the company/artist and if they wish to enforce the letter of the law in the case of something they don’t earn profit from anymore, SOME just consider it themselves as Abandonware. As one site put it, “By pirating it you’re actually taking a benefit without hurting anyone since, as you said, the company that sold it is dead. If it’s no longer sold and no longer supported, then it’s abandonware. It’s still protected under copyright laws and technically illegal, but I don’t feel it’s morally wrong.”


                That being said if that’s the policy of this site so be it, it can be enforced as if it were an evil bad thing, but it’s not at black and white morally as some people like to imagine.


                Thank God for sites like Internet Archives and also people like eXo who preserve thousands of old DOS games that would be lost to history (or simply unplayable in the proper format) if not for him. Article on that great guy:


                Moral and laws are two things. It doesn’t matter what you feel is moral when it’s illegal. This website doesn’t want to risk anything considering the nature of custom songs, and I don’t blame them.

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