Rock Band 3 Calibration

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  • #396826

    Any good calibration numbers for Xbox 360 for a 50 inch Toshiba Fire TV?


    mines a 42 inch fire..ive it at 95 ms audio 120 ms vid…not sure if 50 inch make it any diff


      A lot of people say that their calibration will always be different. I havent a clue since I never had to calibrate mine & Im on a flat screen as well. Its kind of cool to not have to worry about calibration 😂.


        Yeah, it’s all too individual-case specific. I have something like 265ms audio, 95ms video for RB3 on my flatscreen (and soundbar). And entirely different ones for other RB games (1, 2, and TB:R:cool:. But I sure as heck envy you, LIfeismusic5…


          I never had to calibrate any RB game. I don’t know if it’s because I use a projector instead of a tv.


            If your TV has a “Game” preset for any input, it minimizes lag at the expense of “prettifying” visual processing (which is almost always detrimental anyway), so video lag will be minimized if you use that. Audio is far more about what your “chain” is. For years I had a setup where it was Xbox -> AV Receiver -> AMP -> 5.1 surround. This was some lag, but not a ton. Now it is Xbox -> TV -> Optical in on soundbar with wireless connection to a subwoofer. This introduces crazy lag as the sound goes to the TV first, back out to the soundbar, which *waits* until the subwoofer receives sound so they can broadcast in sync. These are tiny amounts of time in each step, but add up in a precision game like this.


            Even at it’s best, if I’m honest, I can’t get it perfect… I’ve just adjusted my playing to the approximation and kind of learned how to anticipate based on the note rails and audio timing I hear.

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