Required Canadian Content

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  • #404299

    Well, I guess it doesn’t hurt since it comes out tomorrow, but the Canadian band/song I was talking about earlier is being released tomorrow. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


    Awesome, looking forward to it.


      And it’s not the only Canadian content releasing tomorrow, in fact.


        How about some Trews, Headstones, Davis Wilcox…

        - These go to 11.


        I have a few selections for some Canadian content:

        Barenaked Ladies – Alcohol

        Barenaked Ladies – It’s Only Me (The Wizard of Magicland)

        Barenaked Ladies – Odds Are

        Barenaked Ladies – Humor of the Situation

        Barenaked Ladies – Who Needs Sleep

        Our Lady Peace – Starseed

        Our Lady Peace – One Man Army

        Our Lady Peace – Superman’s Dead

        Our Lady Peace – Innocent

        Our Lady Peace – Not Enough

        Trooper – General Hand Grenade

        Trooper – Thin White Line

        Trooper – Santa Maria

        Trooper – Round, Round We Go

        The Tragically Hip – Little Bones

        The Tragically Hip – Cordelia

        The Tragically Hip – Three Pistols

        The Tragically Hip – Courage

        The Tragically Hip – Fireworks

        The Tragically Hip – Grace, Too


        There’s plenty more, but I just wanted to see what some people think.


          I have a few Hip songs and Supermans Dead but they’re drums only. Working on April Wine and some Colin James. For all my new releases I am adding un-pitched vocals with the drums though.


          What about some I Mother Earth songs? They’re Canadian are they not?


          Any Metric could be added to this list, but here are some others:


          Monster Truck – Sweet Mountain River

          Monster Truck – Old Train

          Monster Truck – Seven Seas Blues

          Monster Truck – Righteous Smoke

          Mother Mother – Let’s Fall in Love

          Mother Mother – Infinitesimal

          The Sheepdogs – Who?

          The Sheepdogs – I Don’t Know

          The Sheepdogs – The Way It Is

          Serena Ryder – Stompa

          July Talk – Guns and Ammunition

          July Talk – Paper Girl

          July Talk – The Garden


          Some Canadian artists you are missing that we should get include Abandon All Ships, Lights, and Silverstein <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />



          I’ve got On a Slow Night and Dead Disco BPM mapped. Doesn’t mean they’ll be done any time soon, but it’s progress (kinda).


          Sweet. I’ll be the first to DL them when they do drop!


            There’s a lot of good Canadian artists (though the only one I can remember off of the top of my head is Forest Rain).


            no matthew good band?

            no matthew good band?


            +1 for Zero Orchestra

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