Really annoying (probably user error) issues with MAGMA: C3

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    I’m working on two separate customs tracks currently and things seem to go smoothly until I get to Magma. I’ve never once gotten my files to export properly to make for a workable .con file to test play these songs on my own. I’m sure it’s my own inexperience with all this, but I can’t seem to figure a way around it and I can’t search these forums because the key words are used too often.


    This is basically the message I get on both of the songs when I try to build the .rba.


    Project Compiler: Entering Phase 1 of 5…

    Metadata Compiler: Starting…

    Metadata Compiler: Done.

    Project Compiler: Entering Phase 2 of 5…

    MIDI Compiler: Starting…

    ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (MIDI FILE): Track EVENTS required but not found

    ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (MIDI FILE): Track BEAT required but not found

    ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (MIDI FILE): Halting validation due to missing and/or extraneous MIDI tracks

    MIDI Compiler: Done.

    ERROR: Project Compiler: Midi compiler failed.

    RBA Build ended at 5:35 PM.


    It looks like there was an error creating the RBA file.

    Stopping here…


    I’ve tried looking into EVENTS and BEATS and I thought I did both of them, but still I can’t figure out why it’s not reading it. Please someone help me out, even if I’m an idiot and this is a simple fix. If you want to look at it hands-on and you need the RPP and WAV files, I’ll PM you them. Just let me know.


      No need for the double post, there <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


      Also, have you made sure those tracks aren’t muted? Muting them will result in that.


      Not muted. I made sure of that.


      And sorry for the double-post. I didn’t mean to do that. I’m just a damn MESS.


        Did you create your own EVENTS and BEATS tracks?


        If so, a) make sure you have track name events for them and :cool: you probably should be using our template.


        Where is your template? I’ve been using the Custom RB3 template on REAPER and just created the text codes for the EVENTS and the correct up and down beats for BEAT. And if there’s a guide to doing those parts that I missed out on, I’d love to be directed to that.


        Did you label the event and beat tracks as Track name and not text events? I’ve made that kind of mistake before.


        EVENT and BEAT are track names. Everything else in EVENT is a text event.

          EVENT and BEAT are track names. Everything else in EVENT is a text event.

          Skip the 20 questions and post a link to your rpp already <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


          I’ll PM them to you. One is the one I’ve already talked about on these forums, Silversun Pickups, and the other one is secret. They both have the same issues, though I thought I did it properly on the secret one. Both could use fixing if you know what to do.


          Actually I’ll post the SSPU one here for others to look at and PM you the secret one. I’m pretty sure SSPU is just entirely incorrect.


          substitution – … sp=sharing


            If you’re trying to compile with “sspusub_rb3.mid” – it’s NEVER going to work. Because you have exported ALL the tracks you have in REAPER into a single MIDI track, so that’s your first problem. When you click on File – > Export project MIDI, make sure you click on “Multitrack MIDI File”…


            While you’re at it:


            You might want to have the BEAT notes all be in Channel 1, don’t know if that makes a difference, but it’s a start.


            Also, [track_name] is not an allowed event in the EVENTS track, you have that right now at the same time you have the EVENTS track name.


            Track names must be at 1.1.00, your EVENTS track is at 1.1.05.

              Where is your template? I’ve been using the Custom RB3 template on REAPER and just created the text codes for the EVENTS and the correct up and down beats for BEAT. And if there’s a guide to doing those parts that I missed out on, I’d love to be directed to that.


              AUTHORING TOOLS – REAPER, Magma, etc.


              If that’s the template you’re using, the tracks should already be in the right places, and the problem would be what Nemo indicated — the .mid was not exported as a multi-track .mid.


              Forgot to update but both customs have been fully fixed via PM help. Thank you guys so much for the tips. I also know now to essentially keep in checking magma to make sure there aren’t a ton of errors building up as I work. I’ll check out that custom template too.

                Forgot to update but both customs have been fully fixed via PM help. Thank you guys so much for the tips. I also know now to essentially keep in checking magma to make sure there aren’t a ton of errors building up as I work. I’ll check out that custom template too.


                Pro tip! If you’re only beginning, compile the song one instrument at a time. That way you only get a few errors in the Magma window and things are clearer. Once you’ve fixed all instruments, compile the whole song to spot tempo mapping and OD issues.

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