RBHP / LeFluffie Question

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    Apologies in advance if this is a bone head question.


    Since I’m already using LeFluffie to modify some older track’s album info,

    I was wondering if it was possible to add in the RBHP files for that song the same way.


    Would adding the upgrades.dta into the songs folder the songs.dta and the “songname”_plus midi file into the “songname” folder with the “songname” midi before packaging the file in LeFluffie work?


    I figured since I’m going through the process of opening both the RB2 and LRB exports to remove/edit song info & album art, and then repackage them, I may as well see if this is possible while I’m at it.




      I honestly don’t know if it’ll properly load upgrades that are within the same file as the source, as I’ve never wanted to tamper with them, but you may just be better off merging the two .mid files together in REAPER, re-exporting them, and updating the songs.dta file in the original package.


      Awesome. Thanks for the help.


      To update the songs.dta file in the original package, is that just by copying the contents of the upgrades.dta and pasting it somewhere in the songs.dta?


      I assume it’s better to just create a new package rather than try to replace and resign with the original file?


        It should work fine. Harmonix has bundled pro upgrades into song packs in the past (Ozzy, The Doors, 2112). But to be clear, the upgrades.dta files go in ‘songs_upgrades’, not ‘songs’.


        It’d be much better to do it this way. Especially for the RB1 tracks as RB3 will now check the hashes of the original midi files. But if you’re on TU4 or lower then it doesn’t really matter unless you’re playing on LEGO or RB2.

          Awesome. Thanks for the help.


          To update the songs.dta file in the original package, is that just by copying the contents of the upgrades.dta and pasting it somewhere in the songs.dta?


          I assume it’s better to just create a new package rather than try to replace and resign with the original file?


          You wouldn’t combine the songs.dta and upgrades.dta info. What you can do is put both mid files together in Reaper by using the tracks in the upgrade mid to replace the ones in the original mid. After that, you wouldn’t even need the upgrades.dta and all you’d need to do is use the updated songs.dta that has the harmonies update information.


          Otherwise, if you’re going to have the song plus.mid files, you’re going to need the upgrades.dta as a seperate file in its own songs_upgrades folder rather than combining it with the songs.dta. I’ve never tried it, but it might be possible to combine the upgrades.dta info into the songs.dta by only taking this line from the upgrades.dta (Juke Box Hero as an example):


          (midi_file “songs_upgrades/jukeboxhero_plus.mid”)


          And pasting it underneath this line in the songs.dta:


          (midi_file songs/jukeboxhero/jukeboxhero.mid)


          I think you might have to move the plus.mid file into the jukeboxhero folder for the game to find it.






          The way I do it is just by updating the songs.dta with the new Harmonies Project info, put the upgrades.dta and plus.mid files in the songs_upgrades folder alongside the songs folder and rebuild the file.

          It should work fine. Harmonix has bundled pro upgrades into song packs in the past (Ozzy, The Doors, 2112). But to be clear, the upgrades.dta files go in ‘songs_upgrades’, not ‘songs’.


          It’d be much better to do it this way. Especially for the RB1 tracks as RB3 will now check the hashes of the original midi files. But if you’re on TU4 or lower then it doesn’t really matter unless you’re playing on LEGO or RB2.




          You wouldn’t combine the songs.dta and upgrades.dta info. What you can do is put both mid files together in Reaper by using the tracks in the upgrade mid to replace the ones in the original mid. After that, you wouldn’t even need the upgrades.dta and all you’d need to do is use the updated songs.dta that has the harmonies update information.


          Otherwise, if you’re going to have the song plus.mid files, you’re going to need the upgrades.dta as a seperate file in its own songs_upgrades folder rather than combining it with the songs.dta. I’ve never tried it, but it might be possible to combine the upgrades.dta info into the songs.dta by only taking this line from the upgrades.dta (Juke Box Hero as an example):


          (midi_file “songs_upgrades/jukeboxhero_plus.mid”)


          And pasting it underneath this line in the songs.dta:


          (midi_file songs/jukeboxhero/jukeboxhero.mid)


          I think you might have to move the plus.mid file into the jukeboxhero folder for the game to find it.






          The way I do it is just by updating the songs.dta with the new Harmonies Project info, put the upgrades.dta and plus.mid files in the songs_upgrades folder alongside the songs folder and rebuild the file.


          Great news! Thank you both very much.

          So to confirm, I create the upgrades folder in the songs folder, alongside the songname folder?

          And in the upgrades folder goes both, the upgrades.dta and the songname_plus.midi?

          Then replace the songs.dta with the newer RBHP songs.dta in the new package?


          Do I have to create a new file, or can these all just be replaced when using Open Existing File and then just Sign & Rebuild as Con?


          Again, thank you all for the detailed answers.

            The way I do it is just by updating the songs.dta with the new Harmonies Project info, put the upgrades.dta and plus.mid files in the songs_upgrades folder alongside the songs folder and rebuild the file.

            I have been trying to figure out how to do pretty much exactly what the op asked without much success. Of course this may have more to do with being a relative noob than anything else so I thank you in advance for your patience.


            Ideally C3 CON Tools Pro Upgrade Bundler would just work with harmonies and other upgrades, a feature I would dearly love, but since it does not currently I was hoping for more detail or even a step by step guide on how to go about using the above suggestion in order to get harmonies and other upgrades bundled in.


            So using C3 CON Tools CON Explorer I thought I would just open the file, update the song.dta, create the songs_upgrades folder and copy upgrades.dta and plus.mid files into it and save the file as suggested by C16 above.


            In theory it sounds super easy however I am already stuck at just creating the songs_upgrades folder.


            So is creating a folder using CON Explorer simply not possible or am I just doing it wrong? Should I be using a completely different tool for this task? Your help and suggestions are most appreciated!

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