RB3maker.zip Packages

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  • #388997

    So due to my fear of getting sued due to a increase in strict copyright laws where I live I am not comfortable with putting up downloads of customs that contain the actual audio file for songs by bigger artists on big labels, but I have done a number of full band customs that I would like to post in the “Other Customs” subforum.


    The only problem is that I know from experience that only posting a MIDI file will make people annoyed and confused, and I have heard that you can make a RB3maker.zip file that contains everything except for the actual audio, which sound perfect for me.


    So my question is, how on earth do you make these packages? I could see no instructions within RB3 Maker on how to make these type of files and the Score Hero thread for the program mentions nothing about making these files either. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

      So my question is, how on earth do you make these packages? I could see no instructions within RB3 Maker on how to make these type of files and the Score Hero thread for the program mentions nothing about making these files either. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




      Damn lack of instructions…



      Yeah I read that, it still doesn’t say HOW to actually make the file. It says what I need to have, not how to put the ingredients together.


        a) Prepare necessary files as per help document instructions.

        :cool: Place in the same folder as your CON (or RBA).

        c) Select the following menu option:




        d) File -> Open folder -> Pick the folder

        e) ???

        f) Profit!


        If anything is missing, the program will advise you. This is one of those programs where you can safely get around it by clicking randomly haha.


        Alright will try that then, thanks

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