[RB3/PS3]What would cause certain songs to be missing if they are in songs.dta ?

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      I have a handful of RB Network and C3 Customs that are not showing up. I have confirmed the song names are in my songs.dta loaded on my PS3, as well as the folders for the songs themselves being present on the PS3.

      However they do not appear in my song list on Rock Band 3. Do some songs have a prerequisite that needs to be installed before they will show up? I downloaded and installed the RB1 Export, RB2 export, and free pack.

      Here’s an example of some that are missing:

      Rock Band 1 Exports (Go with the flow)
      Rock Band Free Pack 1 (Visions)
      Customs / Rock Band Network Downloads (Passion for Exploring, Torture Me)

      I have installed and registered the rap file for free pack 1. However I did not see where the process asks you to install the data associated with this. I have the free pack 1 package file from my original export but attempting to install that I am given an error — “an error occurred during the install”. I’m unsure if Free Pack 1 can actually be installed any longer, or if there is another process?

      Beyond that I’m unsure why the above songs will not appear in my list.

      Any help greatly appreciated, I might be on the wrong path here.


        We cannot discuss here how to “fix” or make playable any content released by Harmonix, including free songs. Having said that, if you are adding customs to a console that already has official content, odds are it’s the customs that are causing songs to disappear. If the official content was causing problems, Harmonix would have heard about it and fixed the issue long ago.

        I would recommend first making sure you can still see all songs when having just only official content. If so, then you can start using a process of elimination to find out which custom(s) are causing issues. Once you have isolated the culprits, you can message those customs’ authors to make them aware of issues, or you can try fixing the issues yourself. The latter requires having some familiarity with the files that make up a custom, and how to get to them using programs like C3 CON Tools.

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