Rb unplugged customs?

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  • #396103

    Hi, is this maybe a dumb question (of course it is) but is there any way to try to put customs on rock band unplugged? I’ve searched since months on forums but i haven’t found anything, is there something that i’ve been missing or i should give up in my search? (I’m pretty sure that I’m the only one who still plays this game but whatever lul)


      (I’m pretty sure that I’m the only one who still plays this game but whatever lul)

      Don’t be so sure.


        I still play it. Pretty often too. Was just thinking about this the other day and how customs would be awesome to have.


          I never got it cause it’s unavailable now… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> anyway. I feel like it would be impossible but I really don’t know because I have never played it and hardly know what it is…


            I play it as well. Still wish they made an Unplugged 2 for the Vita.


            I’m not sure how feasible customs would be on Unplugged. It would definitely requite modding the PSP and you couldn’t directly convert any CON file but I’m sure it’s possible with a lot of work.


            Sadly it dosen’t seem that possible, as it falls in the line of alot of psp games (but not all) where you can’t mod it cause changing the file size of the iso either smaller or bigger than the original causes the game to not load, so therfore you can’t change anything, otherside, the audio for the songs is really easy since they seem to be in at3 files and there are tools to convert audio to that format, but the notes seem to be in str files which I have no idea about, though they seem to be a container file so maybe it does use midi and they are just inside these containers


            I also have yet to look into it, but the ds rock band games have almost the exact same control to the psp rock band game, so im wondering if they use the same file.container for notes, so maybe porting the songs from those two games to psp rb would be possible if there is a way around the size issue, but the ds rb songs are cut and missing parts of the original song unlike on the psp

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