quick question bout lyrics

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    alright, well after somehow figuring out how to correctly build a test con file for just vocals of my custom chart for Owl City’s Good Time…i went to playtesting it & found lyrical errors in the chart that i didn’t notice when i checked it in reaper for any possible errors in the lyrics, one spot in the song has the word “ATM” and it’s charted as 3 separate notes in the chart & was wondering if that was correct or if it should just be combined into one note. might need to have playtesters pay close attention to vocals when it’s fully ready for playtesting just to be safe

    one spot in the song has the word “ATM.” It’s charted as 3 separate notes in the chart & was wondering if that was correct or if it should just be combined into one note.

    I think it should be placed as three separate tubes, because there’s that slight silence between the letters when pronouncing “ATM.”


    When pronouncing acronyms, each letter gets its own note, just like how a normal word is split into its component syllables.

    The only exception to this rule is the letter “W”, which has to be charted as a single note because the lyric is only one letter long, even though pronouncing it is three syllables.


    Here’s examples:

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