Question regarding RB3 export to RB4

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  • #396950

    Hello everyone,


    I have recently gotten an amazing deal for RB4 + RB4 Guitar for PS4. The only problem is… I don’t currently own a PS4, but I am planning on getting one in the next few months. I love the RB3 setlist and have played countless hours on it while online, so I have quite a few trophies and thus I should be eligible for the RB3 Export. My only question is: will it expire? Though I am quite หมวกกันน็อค sure I will be able to get the console in the next few months I can’t be 100% sure and it would really suck to lose the possibility of exporting (I already missed that boat with RB2 years ago…).


    Any help will be appreciated!

      The RB3 export eventually will expire, as all of previous exports have at some point. Exactly when that is, we can’t say, though five years is a common bet on such things, which would mean next year (2020). If you asked Harmonix on Twitter or Reddit, they may give you a more definitive answer, though that depends on how much the lawyers let them say.


      In short, don’t wait too long.


      I’m not a big fan of the overall track list in Rock Band 4 and I absolutely love the majority of tracks from Rock Band 3. I actually just bought Rock Band 4 2 days ago and i’ve been playing the shit out of it. I however really really want to get some of the tracks from Rock Band 3 such as Bohemian Rhapsody, Freebird, and some others. So can I just buy the RB3 disc off of Amazon, put it in my PS3 and run it, then go to my PS4 and export/buy the export pack for $15, and import them all into my new copy of RB4? shareit vidmate


        So can I just buy the RB3 disc off of Amazon, put it in my PS3 and run it, then go to my PS4 and export/buy the export pack for $15, and import them all into my new copy of RB4?



        Vinny Reed

          Basically if you played Rock band 3, you’ve automatically created the export code


          I’ve heard that if you e-mail Harmonix photographic evidence of owning a pre-owned copy of Rock Band 3 and with your Gamertag included, they’ll send you an activation code for the Rock Band 3 Export Pack. But I may be incorrect.

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