PS3 4.82 exploit

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  • #395724

    Hi. I just wanted to share this big news. Do not do this if you fear of breaking your PS3, only do this if you understand the risks.



    This new exploit lets you flash your NOR/NAND to make your PS3 able to install a CFW. (Without the need of external hardware such as the e3 flasher!)


    I cannot stress this enough: If you are doing this be aware of the risks.

    PS3 has a chance to be bricked, as with all homebrew stuff.


    Edit: I personally just tested this with my OFW console and this works. I got Ferrox CFW installed on current OFW version without breaking anything!


    Edit2: A more comprehensive guide has been released:


    OOooh I want to try this. Have to fish my ps3 out of storage


      Are there advantages with running Rock Band 3 on a PS3 instead that on an XBox 360?


      On a modded ps3 yes, but I don’t think the advantages are different than running it on a JTAG xbox 360.


      The advantages I find for PS3 are online play (the obvious one!) and being able to somewhat bypass the 3k limit by making “‘dummy” folders and renaming them when needed (through ftp). You can also play customs on blitz if you like blitz.

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