Pro Guitar Upgrades

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  • #390267

    Hi at all! Can I request some Pro Guitar upgrades? If yes, where?


    its really hard to request PRO Guitar upgrades due to the fact that the charter has to be able to both chart and play guitar. So typically, they only chart songs they are interested in themselves. But you are welcome to try. Did you already check the pro upgrades inventory?

  … HLUE#gid=0


    I’m open to learning how to chart pro. I tend to learn (or at play the tabs for) the guitar and bass parts for whatever I chart. Are there any major complexities beyond basic charting and muted notes? Or do you need to include hand/finger positions animations, and post the names of chords?


    1. There are three routes you can go, via REAPER, via EoF, or via the Ziggy70 editor. I utilize the ziggy editor

    2. Major complexities: There is no support for bends, so you end up making those Hammers instead. Other than that, not really.

    3. Yes and No. To conform to C3 standards (magma compile) you must have proper hand positions. But the game engine does not care, nor does the C3tools pro bundler. The ziggy70 tool does not do a great job of chord names, so after completing the pro, I’ll run it through EoF in an attempt to set hand positions and chord text names. as with hand positions, the game engine does not care about the chord names, but it makes it WAY easier to play on Hard/Expert with the chord names being correct.


    If you decide to go the ziggy70 editor route, start here:


    and I can answer any additional questions.


    Appreciated. I’ve been meaning to go back and add pro charts to a few of my simpler tracks (since I already have some of the tabs saved, and I like the challenge).


    aw3some, dont hesitate to yell for any assistance.

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